Quinta Sarreiro Cat Sanctuary

Quinta Sarreiro Cat Sanctuary

6  Teamers
208 € recaudados

We are a cat sanctuary in Central Portugal , and take in and care for neglected, disabled cats and kittens, such as blindness, stroke, FIV and cerebellar hypoplasia. We don't rehome , all the cats live out there days at the sanctuary. Most run free, a few are supervised. Just €1 a month from our followers, is all the cats ask. Would like to build an outside safe haven for the cats with challenges to have fun and play.


Greg Anderson
Teaming Manager

15/11/2022 09:11 h

We have recently purchased 3 new cat trees which we will be building as we now have some rainy days. We are also busy making plans for an outside enclosed courtyard for the disabled and blind cats to have a safe space. Last week we took two semi feral cats to be sterilized which are now registered to us as all cats in Portugal now have to be microchipped by law. This means that every cat we now have sterilized or treated by a vet has to be chipped at the same time and we have to cover the cost of that even if it is just a street cat we are helping. Thanks to all our teamers for donating, we greatly appreciate it. Please can you share the link and spread the word for us.

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Greg Anderson
Teaming Manager

15/11/2022 09:17 h

Thank you and welcome to all of our new team members. Please spread the word about us and share the link of our page. More updates to follow soon.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
208 €
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Fecha de publicación

Defensa de los animales


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