Fin 2020, le LCsP|SARA a secouru 51 chiots qui vivaient dans de très mauvaises conditions dans la fourrière communale d'Agadir. Ces pauvres chiots étaient voués à l'échec et cela nous brisait le cœur de les laisser là... alors nous les avons sauvés. Depuis lors, nous avons visité régulièrement et sauvé tous les chiots que nous pouvions. Les chiots doivent être vaccinés, stérilisés lorsqu'ils grandissent, maintenus en bonne santé et heureux... puis relogés.
The team at SARA support all the animals in the city dog pound by providing food.... but also took the decision to rescue as many of the puppies collected as they could. They are currently looking after around 60 puppies. This adds a huge financial burden to the refuge. Not only are there 60 extra mouths to feed, but they need to be fed three times a day, so more staff are needed. They also need to be vaccinated and wormed and in a few months time neutered. We need your help!
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Hallo Teamers
Teaming recently tightened up on how they ensure that donations made are sent to the project. I am no longer able to have the donations sent to my personal bank account and then forwarded to the refuge but have to have them sent to the bank account of a recognised charity.
We have just set up a UK Registered charity called Morocco Animal Welfare Support Souss to provide support in fundraising and governance to Moroccan registered charities. You can see more a bit more about it at From now on all funds collected through Teaming will be transferred to Le Coeur sur la Patte and Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir via MAWSS.
Thank you for your support
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Défense des animaux