Ciudad Real, Spain
Teamer in 2 Groups
Since 18-03-2014 has contributed €143
Teamer since: 18/03/2014
Me llamo Beatriz Pelaez Diaz nací el 15/10/2007 en Ciudad Real.Tengo Atrofia Muscular Espinal Tipo 3, afecta al sistema nervioso central y es una enfermedad en la que hay una progresiva degeneración muscular y debilidad, afectando a las moto-neuronas. Afecta al sistema respiratorio y los músculos se van atrofiando, se perde capacidad para andar, moverse, respirar. Esta pagina sera destinada a la cubrir mis gastos terapéuticos,y aparatos ,sillas de ruedas . ¡¡¡AYUDANOS!!!
Teamer since: 28/01/2020
Fathers and mothers from all over Spain, aware of the seriousness of our children, we decided to fight to give them a better and hopeful future. That is why we have joined together in order to raise funds through the Duchenne Parent Project for research. Currently we have launched 22 research projects in our country aimed at finding a cure or improvement for this disease. Help us to follow, JOIN OUR CHALLENGE!