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PAWS Ireland

PAWS Ireland

21  Teamers
162 € recaudados

PAWS Animal Rescue is a wholly Irish Charity established in 1997. We are dedicated to rescuing homeless and abandoned animals, primarily dogs from high-kill pounds and owners who can no longer care for them. With approximately 90 dogs in our care at any one time we rely heavily on the generosity of the public to fund and continue our work. Please help us to help those that connot help themselves.

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Paws Ireland

PAWS Animal Rescue is a wholly Irish Charity established in 1997. We are dedicated to rescuing homeless and abandoned animals, primarily dogs from high-kill pounds and owners who can no longer care for them. With approximately 90 dogs in our care at any one time we rely heavily on the generosity of the public to fund and continue our work. Please help us to help those that connot help themselves.

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
162 €
Ya hemos donado:
162 €
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