Paola Travierso


Teamer de 4 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 4 € para 4 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 20-02-2023 contribuiu 50 €

Grupos de que participa


6 303 € Arrecadados

163 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/02/2023

Associazione Vivi gli Animali Onlus

Vivi gli Animali association was established in 2010 with the aim of working in favor of cows, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, chickens, pigs, rabbits, bulls, saved from slaughterhouses. Here we save them, take care of them, leave them free to be she/himself The refuge is an opportunity to find out who they are, what they feel, how to finally play free to not be afraid anymore. Help us to help them: contribute to their maintenance!

18 715 € Arrecadados

850 Teamers

Teamer desde:  11/10/2023


A small corner of the world, where individuals of different species live together and fight side by side, against all forms of abuse. The Nelloporcello antispecist Sanctuary, where live Animals that survived the food industry (pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits), is a project that belongs to "L'Arcobaleno di Olivia", an association for the protection of animal rights, promoting a antispecist , vegan and cruelty free lifestyle.

5 896 € Arrecadados

525 Teamers

Teamer desde:  03/11/2023

Santuario La Capra Campa

We are a free animal shelter where around 80 animals removed from the production chain live. At the La Capra Campa farm goats, sheep, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, quails, pigs, donkeys, cattle, dogs and cats live free. They are our travel companions! In order to be able to support this great project and other small and large initiatives all linked to the vegan and anti-speciesist world, in February 2020 we founded, with a group of trusted friends, Il Soffio di Gea ODV association.

1 993 € Arrecadados

241 Teamers

Teamer desde:  28/11/2023

Rete dei Santuari

La Rete dei Santuari di Animali Liberi in Italia, nata nel 2014, è un’aggregazione di Rifugi e Santuari, presenti in varie regioni italiane, affini nel loro percorso e accomunati da una Carta dei Valori. Promuoviamo uno stile di vita in armonia tra tutte le specie animali e ci battiamo, in tutte le sedi, per la difesa dei diritti animali. Ci occupiamo di sequestri, adozioni, rapporti con le autorità per ottenere modifiche legislative, deroghe, etc #siamotutticuoriliberi #giùlemanidaisantuari