Paola Silesia


Teaming Manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 2 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 3 € para 3 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 14-02-2019 contribuiu 326 €

Grupos de que é líder


564 € Arrecadados

13 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  26/04/2019

Hope India

Hope India is an association born by the love of Dalveer Singh for the poor children of his country.It started in 2013 with 6 children.Today he has a school with 158 children whose number is constantly increasing.His goal is to get more and more children off the street and provide them with hope for a better future through educational support.He operates in the streets of Delhi,Varanasi,Udaipur and Bharatpur also offering food and clothes to anyone in need.Every little help can change a life!

Grupos de que participa


9 449 € Arrecadados

185 Teamers

Teamer desde:  14/02/2019

Il Piccolo Santuario di Nama

Il Piccolo Santuario di Nama is home to several species of animals, including dogs, cats, cows, sheep, goats and various birds, all saved from mistreatment, abandonment and slaughterhouses which are offered a life worth living. awareness of an idea that we would like to share with as many people as possible! Demonstrating the existence of a different path that does not require violence, slavery or exploitation against any race or species.

3 347 € Arrecadados

46 Teamers

Teamer desde:  13/03/2019

La Fattoria di Amélie onlus

La Fattoria di Amélie onlus è un rifugio per animali considerati da reddito, salvati da abbandoni, sfruttamento, maltrattamenti e, naturalmente, dal mattatoio. Le spese che affrontiamo sono molte, dalle strutture al mantenimento degli animali e relative cure veterinarie. Gli animali qui vivono una vita felice, lontani dallo sfruttamento, quindi non produrranno mai reddito e il rifugio si autofinanzia attraverso eventi, attività, ma soprattutto grazie all'aiuto di chi crede in questo progetto.