Pablo Rodríguez Pappalardo

Sevilla, Espanha

Teaming Manager de 1 Grupos

Teamer de 4 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 5 € para 5 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 02-07-2012 contribuiu 311 €

Grupos de que é líder


7 807 € Arrecadados

58 Teamers

Teaming Manager desde:  04/07/2012

Ayúdanos a ayudar

Un grupo de compañeros y amigos hemos decidido unirnos para tener más posibilidades de realizar las acciones solidarias que decidamos entre todos.

Grupos de que participa


102 907 € Arrecadados

680 Teamers

Teamer desde:  22/02/2017

Richi Childhood Cancer Foundation

We contribute to fund the mission of the Richi Childhood Cancer Foundation so that all children and adolescents with cancer have a better prognosis and quality of life. More information:

29 047 € Arrecadados

840 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/03/2022

Teaming 4 Ucrania

Since the conflict began in 2022, we formed this group to support Ukrainians impacted by the war. Nearly three years later, they still need our help. Together with various organizations, including CEAR (the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid), we remain committed to supporting those who have come to Spain to build a new life.

45 659 € Arrecadados

877 Teamers

Teamer desde:  12/02/2023

Syria Emergency - Spain for UNHCR

After 12 years of crisis, humanitarian needs in Syria have reached unprecedented levels. Millions of Syrians have been forcibly displaced to neighboring countries, and the more than 6 million internally displaced are struggling to overcome immense challenges exacerbated by the earthquake of 2023. UNHCR continues to support them with, among other things, stoves and fuel for generating heat, thermal insulation for tents and winter clothing.  Photo © UNHCR/Claire Thomas

74 440 € Arrecadados

873 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/04/2023

Miradas que hablan Duplicación Mecp2

Somos un grupo de niños/as que tenemos el síndrome de duplicación mecp2, que nos produce retraso mental, psicomotor y de lenguaje, insomnio, infecciones respiratorias, esteriotipias… crisis epilépticas que nos producen regresión. En el hospital Sant Joan de Deu de Bcn se investiga gracias a las familias y a las donaciones privadas para encontrar un tratamiento o cura que mejore nuestra calidad de vida.Necesitamos tu ayuda!