Teamer since: 10/03/2024
Asociación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a ayudar a los animales sin hogar, rescatamos ,buscamos acogidas, adopciones, llevamos colonias de gatitos ferales. luchamos por una vida digna de los gatos callejeros que por desgracia se encuentran muy amenazados últimamente . Nuestro objetivo es poder cambiar la vida de un animal que ha sido abandonado y poder buscar un futuro mejor.
Teamer since: 30/09/2024
Mi nombre es Desirèe y me dedico al rescate de gatitos y gestión de colonias felinas. Actualmente gestiono yo sola 3 colonias que hacen un total de 35 gatos, a los que esterilizo, alimento y cuido. También saco a todos los gatitos que son sociables, para su posterior adopción. ¡Si te apetece unirte a mi grupo estarás ayudando a muchos gatitos!
Teamer since: 30/09/2024
We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 60 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?
Teamer since: 30/09/2024
When we built the shelter with such enthusiasm, we couldn't miss a special room with a patio for leukemics. They deserve a home and a second chance, our dream is for them to be happy and not lack anything. We need support for their care, food and medicines. Can you help us?
Teamer since: 30/09/2024
In 2019 we created the shelter. Our dream continues with enthusiasm and a desire to work. Fighting against abandonment and mistreatment, promoting respect, empathy and affection towards animals. Food and CER (Capture-Sterilize-Return) control in cat colonies. Rescuing sick or endangered cats, providing veterinary care and shelter, and spreading the word to find them a home. We denounce abuse and abandonment. We cannot change the world, but changing the life of a single animal is worth the effort
Teamer since: 30/09/2024
All the cats that live in the Feline Forest had been abandoned and forgotten. The more than 75 cats have plenty of space to roam, climb trees, run, play, as well as shelters and beds with blankets at home. We have built and fenced facilities especially for them, but this project is very expensive, so we need your help to get them going. Come and visit us!
Teamer since: 16/12/2024
Nuestro trabajo consiste en dar una oportunidad a todos aquellos gatos sociables que alguna vez alguien se deshizo de ellos. Llegan a nuestra "Casa Refugio" para curarse de sus heridas, de las que se ven, y de las que no. Para posteriormente poder darles una nueva oportunidad en un hogar responsable. Por otro lado, también trabajamos implantando el Protocolo CER, poco a poco vamos esterilizando y controlando las colonias, así como formando alimentadores para su correcta gestión. Nos ayudas?