Oud en kansloos/old and unwanted/velho e hipoteses

Oud en kansloos/old and unwanted/velho e hipoteses

30  Teamers
1.965 € gesammelt

Dogs found in asylum who really have no chance to find a 4ever home are placed in 4ever fosterhomes, funded with sponsormoney and donations. Money is tight so let's help with a steady cashflow zo all oldtimers can have their checkups, medication and special care they need so badly. Group founded by Sytske Nijkamp.

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Natasja Wijnrox
Natasja Wijnrox

21/07/2019 11:39 h

Old dogs, no chance to get out of the shelter or asylum...some get seen by sytske Nijkamp and get a 4ever fosterplace. To be able to see to their needs money is needed. Please help her raise funds for transport, tests and medication!

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