Madrid, Espanha

Teamer de 5 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 4 € para 4 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 17-05-2019 contribuiu 284 €

Grupos de que participa


676 € Arrecadados

5 Teamers

Teamer desde:  17/05/2019

hairy hearts that leave a mark

Hairy Hearts that Leave Footprint is a non-profit association that is dedicated to the rescue and recovery of abandoned animals, abused or kennels. Once the dogs and cats have been rescued, they receive the necessary veterinary treatment in each case and, once they have recovered, they are given for adoption as pets. Hairy Hearts that Leave Footprint does not receive subsidies of any kind. That is why with your little grain of sand we will build great mountains

2 931 € Arrecadados

26 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/05/2019

Hogar feliz

Soy casa de acogida para perros y gatos abandonados acojo diferentes perros o gatos que son abandonados y maltratados por sus dueños o por la sociedad, los cuido hasta que encuentran un hogar. Necesitamos ayuda para castrarlos, vacunarlos etc.

10 074 € Arrecadados

125 Teamers

Teamer desde:  12/08/2019

ACTÜA - Asociación defensora de animales

Asociación Animalista sin ánimo de lucro que trata de erradicar el abandono, rescatando animales abandonados en el Campo de Montiel y encontrándoles un hogar digno donde puedan ser felices el resto de sus vidas. Échanos una mano! Cuesta muy poco y salvarás vidas!

6 162 € Arrecadados

134 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/10/2019


LiliCat is a non-profit association whose purpose is to end animal abuse, discrimination against stray cats, abandonment. The money from the teaming is to save lives, give them veterinary assistance, sterilization, surgeries, euthanasia, etc. We cannot forget that WE ARE THEIR VOICE and that without your collaboration it is impossible to help them. Thank you for being there supporting us.

31 715 € Arrecadados

358 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/10/2019


NUEVAVIDA (New Life) is a non-profit organization that was born from the illusion of a group of people to help the furry ones. Today we have grown thanks to you. That is why we ask you to join our Teaming, because they deserve it. We leave you the link to our website so that you can get to know us a little better: https://nuevavida-adopciones.org/ WE CANNOT CHANGE THE WORLD, BUT WE CAN CHANGE ITS FUTURE. JOIN THIS "NUEVAVIDA" TEAMING GROUP!