As you know, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Morocco,(its epicentre has been 60km from Marrakech). To date, more than 2,800 people have been killed and more than 2,500 injured, according to the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior. NTT DATA colleagues have joined forces to help them by donating €1/month to the Emergency Committee.
[ENG]In view of the situation in Morocco, the NGOs that are part of the Emergency Committee (SOS Childrens Villages, Educo, Doctors of the World, Oxfam Intermón, Plan International and World Vision) are conducting initial assessments and organizing their emergency response in the locations where they are present, focusing their efforts on providing shelter, food, education, water and sanitation and health care either directly or through local partner organizations. [ESP] Ante la situación en la que ha quedado Marruecos, las ONG que forman parte del Comité de Emergencia (Aldeas Infantiles SOS, Educo, Médicos del Mundo, Oxfam Intermón, Plan International y World Vision) están realizando las primeras evaluaciones y organizando su respuesta de emergencia en las localizaciones en las que están presentes centrando sus esfuerzos en proporcionar refugio, alimentación, educación, agua y saneamiento y asistencia sanitaria ya sea directamente o a través de organizaciones socias locales.
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