Teaming-Manager seit: 16/10/2020
Este Grupo nace para apoyar a la Asociación Española contra el cáncer. Es una organización sin ánimo de lucro formada por pacientes, familiares, voluntarios, colaboradores y profesionales. La misión de la AECC es trabajar unidos para educar en salud, apoyar y acompañar a las personas enfermas y sus familias, y financiar proyectos de investigación que permitirán un mejor diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer.
Teaming-Manager seit: 16/10/2020
NTT DATA colleagues joined forces to do our bit in the COVID crisis by supporting UNICEF who worked with the Spanish Government to provide supplies, to protect our health professionals. At the moment, their needs are different and we will donate them all the amount already collected so that they can attend to the different emergencies they are working with. Afterwards, we will close this Teaming Group. Thank you very much for your help during this time and for your support at times like these.
Teaming-Manager seit: 18/06/2021
Carlos is a partner of everis who was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 32. Since then, he has not stopped fighting against the disease and has been an example for overcoming it: he has run more than 600 km in 13 marathons in his wheelchair. His colleagues join the campaign "Give voice to ALS patients", to provide information, training and support to people with ALS in technological options that allow them to communicate and build relations. With 1€/month you can give them a voice
Teaming-Manager seit: 12/11/2021
El objetivo del proyecto es reducir la tasa de abandono escolar de los alumnos con mayores dificultades de aprendizaje, provenientes de entornos socio familiares conflictivos. Además, tiene otros objetivos transversales: eliminación de la brecha de género en entornos tecnológicos, descubrimiento de vocaciones en áreas STEM, soft skills, habilidades sociales y comunicativas, uso del error como parte del proceso de aprendizaje y convertir a los jóvenes en usuarios responsables de tecnología.
Teaming-Manager seit: 28/02/2022
At NTT DATA, we want to show our support to our Ukrainian colleagues and all the people suffering the consequences of the war in Ukraine. More than 7 Ukrainian moved inside the country. 8 million have crossed the border. They all have become refugees, mainly women and children. Our help means food, water, blankets, tarps, cash, and legal and psychological support for them. After a year, aid is still needed for them. Join us for 1€/month!
Teaming-Manager seit: 21/03/2022
I progetti sono accomunati dall'uso della tecnologia per favorire uno sviluppo sostenibile, per la salvaguardia e cura dell’ambiente, per la modernizzazione delle comunità rurali in via di sviluppo, per la riduzione dei danni causati dalle guerre, l’autonomia delle persone con disabilità, in tutti quei campi di interesse sociale in cui lo sviluppo scientifico e l’innovazione tecnologica può produrre nuovi valori.
Teaming-Manager seit: 06/04/2023
Creem aquest Grup des de NTT DATA per donar suport als projectes de reforestació de l'entitat Osmon, que treballa per combatre el canvi climàtic. L'excés de CO2, que produïm i s'acumula a l'atmosfera, contribueix a l'escalfament global. Els arbres són el millor aliat, ja que absorbeixen aquest CO2, a més d'altres gasos i olors, i tornen oxigen a l'atmosfera. La reforestació és un projecte de llarg termini, ens ajudes amb 1€ al mes?
Teaming-Manager seit: 13/09/2023
As you know, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Morocco,(its epicentre has been 60km from Marrakech). To date, more than 2,800 people have been killed and more than 2,500 injured, according to the Moroccan Ministry of the Interior. NTT DATA colleagues have joined forces to help them by donating €1/month to the Emergency Committee.
Teaming-Manager seit: 30/10/2024
In response to the impact of the cold drop in Spain, NTT DATA colleagues have launched this Teaming initiative to support individuals and families affected by the floods and their aftermath. Together, we can make a meaningful difference by each contributing a small amount. Through the Red Cross, our support will provide immediate relief, including shelter and essential supplies, as well as longer-term assistance with recovery and rebuilding. Will you join us with just €1 a month?