No Name Kitchen

No Name Kitchen

125  Teamers
11.687 € gesammelt

No Name Kitchen is a civil movement oriented to support human beings on their right to move seeking a better future. We work in border-crossing spots where People on the Move (PoM) face the difficulties of long journeys and violent push-backs, with the determination that all people have the right to seek a better future, that all people should have equal access to exercise their rights and that no injustice should be made invisible. Discover more in

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No Name Kitchen

No Name Kitchen

No Name Kitchen is a civil movement oriented to support human beings on their right to move seeking a better future. We work in border-crossing spots where People on the Move (PoM) face the difficulties of long journeys and violent push-backs. Hunger, lack of shelter, epidemics due to lack of hygiene, poor health service coverage, psychological trauma, illegal use of force, non-compliance with international protection laws, and a permanent dehumanization of human beings whose only crime is to escape violence, poverty and the lack of legal guarantees in their places of origin, are some of the problems that NNK chooses to address, working daily to promote justice and dignity, with the determination that all people have the right to seek a better future, that all people should have equal access to exercise their rights and that no injustice should be made invisible.

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17/10/2023 11:33 h

Hola gente!

No Name Kitchen sigue su curso, con proyectos abiertos en Bosnia, Serbia, Croacia, Italia y España. La gente sigue migrando, sigue atrapada en las fronteras, y sigue sufriendo la violencia de un sistema cruel y discriminatorio. Nosotras no vamos a parar de echarles una mano.

Hace mucho que no publicamos actualizaciones en Teaming, lo sentimos. Hemos volcado las energías en otras plataformas con mayor impacto, y por eso, os pedimos disculpas, sobre todo a quienes no nos sigan en las redes sociales, porque habéis seguido apoyando a la Kitchen a pesar de nuestro silencio :D

Lo segundo, os animamos a contactarnos por email para poder recibir nuestra newsletter semanal, donde contamos cosas bien interesantes cada semana.

Un abrazo fuerte!

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Bruno Alvarez Contreras
Bruno Alvarez Contreras

08/10/2017 12:58 h

Ohhh yeahhh

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Bis heute haben wir gesammelt:
11.687 €
Wir haben bisher bereits gespendet:
9.922 €
Wir werden spenden:
1.765 €
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