Teamer since: 11/02/2016
We are a small association that helps street cats, we manage several colonies in LH...We do not receive subsidies, so we need all the financial help possible to be able to cover the costs of food and veterinary bills, which are sometimes high. Well, we get cats that are either very sick or have serious problems, fractures, paraplegia... €1 is a meal and if we raise a lot of € that's a lot of meals and veterinary treatments that we can give them. Help us help them!
Teamer since: 17/07/2017
La Asociacion LARA no recibe subvenciones, sobrevive gracias a donativos y pocos socios. Cuenta con una PEQUEÑA ENFERMERIA GATUNA, donde atienden unos 40 gatos, acogiendo e implicándose en CASOS COMPLICADOS. Necesitan diariamente: medicamentos, vacunas, desparasitadores, comida especial, pago veterinario, alquiler del local...son muchos los gastos, creamos un grupo teaming para conseguir financiación para la ENFERMERIA y todos nuestros GATITOS ENFERMITOS. Colaboras con nosotros, POR ELLOS ?
Teamer since: 17/07/2017
Sanctuary for elderly dogs or in special conditions, so that they can enjoy the rest of their lives with dignity, in a domestic environment. We need help to support the more than 20 members of the Empathia family. Thank you!