Teamer da: 28/04/2014
Somos un grupo de personas que hemos formado un refugio de gatos en Sevilla, pero necesitamos ayuda de todo tipo. Tenemos que seguir con la adaptación del refugio (casetas, vallas, transportines, camas para gatos, mantas, sabanas,...) además de pienso, vacunas, esterilización,... para nuestros gatos. Para más información visita nuestro facebook: O nuestra web:
Teamer da: 21/05/2016
Chipi Gato Feliz is a cat shelter located in Chipiona. We work helping abandoned cats in our village. Unfortunately there are many of them in the streets and more than 50 in our shelter waiting to be adopted. We give them diary care and feed, in addition to the continuous improvement of the facilities and the necessary veterinary care. We are on the move and we need your help. Every little effort counts.
Teamer da: 23/07/2017
Protector located in Chipiona (Spain) in which we rescue abandoned puppies and/or in a situation of ill-treatment. When they recover you happen to be in adoption and be with a good family. denounces animal abuse 062. Contact: 652072903