Alicante, Spanien
Teamer in 9 Gruppen
Spendet jeden Monat: 9 € für 9 Gruppen
Seit 25-07-2022 gespendet: 183 €
Teamer seit: 25/07/2022
CAT RELAX is the 1st cat café in Alicante. We are a small non-profit association that lacks institutional support. Things are getting tougher and the expenses of the building and the expenses of the cats are very high. We ask for help to be able to continue with these very high expenses in order to continue caring for more kittens. Does € 1 seem low to you? You can also become an affiliate from € 6 a month at
Teamer seit: 25/07/2022
Felinos lo Morant is an Association whose main mission is the rescue of injured, sick and abandoned cats. We have a small shelter where we care for healthy cats and those positive for leukemia and immunodeficiency.
Teamer seit: 31/08/2022
Our dogs and cats need their food ration and their daily pills. Many of them are victims of accidents that require expensive surgeries and chronic diseases. In addition, in order to take care of them as they deserve, we must maintain our hostel with all the costs that this entails. If you become a teamer, contributing only € 1 per month, your money will help to pay those interventions, treatments and maintenance of all our animals. They will greatly appreciate it!
Teamer seit: 09/12/2022
Este grupo forma parte de la salvación de cachorros de la asociación Abaifa, gatitos tirados a la basura en época de cría y hembras altamente embarazadas a las que damos acogida y una estancia temporal en la asociación para sacar a los cachorros adelante para posteriormente darlos en adopción. Este año ha habido una avalancha de un total de 160 cachorros y hembras y mucha falta de alimentos de primera necesidad como el paté mother&baby cat. Con este grupo podemos conseguir que sea mas fácil.
Teamer seit: 10/02/2023
CES Cabo Huertas we are a group of individuals who fight for the welfare of street cats in the area that we live in Alicante. We take care of feeding them, take care of them, take them to the veterinarian when it is needed and sterilize them to give them a better quality of life, within the dangers that run on the street. For this reason we also try to get them out of there and get them good homes, both for adoption and welcome. Most of us finance it from our pockets.
Teamer seit: 22/08/2023
Contar con un Banco de alimentos, para los animales puede ser o es tan importante como para las personas, Cada mes se dan ayudas a distintos puntos de España, ayudando a las personas que los cuidan y se encuentran en apuro para poder comprar comida, o simplemente, para poder afrontar facturas veterinarias. La unión de todos hace que cada mes, se ayuda a más de mil peluditos sin hogar, con una media de 1600 kilos donados cada mes Únete a la cadena solidaria es ser parte de la esperanza
Teamer seit: 07/03/2024
All the cats that live in the Feline Forest had been abandoned and forgotten. The more than 75 cats have plenty of space to roam, climb trees, run, play, as well as shelters and beds with blankets at home. We have built and fenced facilities especially for them, but this project is very expensive, so we need your help to get them going. Come and visit us!
Teamer seit: 21/07/2024
Grupo creado para ayudar a los peludetes,esterilizamos, alimentamos , curamos , difundimos, buscamos adopción , necesitamos vuestra ayuda para poder seguir.