Teaming Manager desde: 06/08/2020
We are a small, non-profit animal welfare association in Switzerland, which together with our local partner BETA (Beirut for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) tries to reduce the animal suffering in Lebanon and to continue to provide for the more than 1200 animals under our care despite adverse conditions.
Teamer desde: 26/08/2021
ONG libanaise (#205/AD) également enregistrée aux USA (501(c)3 #83-2075807) Nous avons actuellement dans notre refuge plus de 1'100 animaux (860 chiens, 230 chats, 2 singes, 3 chevaux, 1 âne, des lapins et tortues. La situation au Liban étant catastrophique nous manquons cruellement de tout et avons désespérément besoin d'aide extérieur afin de pouvoir continuer à nous occuper de nos petits protégés qui ont pour la plupart vécu l'enfer avant que nous les sauvions. Voir vidéo pour plus d'infos
Teamer desde: 05/01/2022
At 19, Janira met Salah, a Syrian boy who, by 13, was selling flowers on the streets of Lebanon to survive. Lacking access to education, Janira decided to create a school for him. She called it 26 Letters. Today, our school supports 450 families with education and humanitarian assistance. Now, with the war reaching Lebanon, their situation has become more dire. Many families are trapped, unable to afford food or shelter, and desperately need help to secure a safer future for their children.