Teamer since: 16/09/2022
Am 29.01.1976 beschlossen die Lingener Tierschützer ein selbständiger Verein zu werden. Unter dem Namen Tierschutzverein Lingen und Umgebung e.V. erfolgte die Eintragung in das Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichtes Lingen. Der TSV Lingen betreibt das Tierheim in dem jährlich ca. 800 Tiere aufgenommen werden, die von hauptamtlichen Mitarbeitern und vielen ehrenamtlich tätigen Tierfreunden liebevoll umsorgt und betreut werden. Unser Motto lautet: Tierschutz mit Herz und Verstand ❣️
Teamer since: 16/09/2022
Daniela Knezevic and Nadine Bartel lead the Kitten Safe House. They usually take on injured street cats, kitten thrown into the trash or abandoned cats. Try to look after them well and give them in good hands. They also look after feeding sites and catches the cats for castration. There are at least 60 cats in her house, all of whom need food, medicines, cat litter and medical care. This all costs money, you can help us to support Daniela and her crew!
Teamer since: 09/09/2023
Savethedogsbih is a non-profit organization in Bosnia. We rescue dogs that have been abandoned, abused and chained up. For over 6 years, the founder Bruno Jelovic and his team have been caring for over 1000 dogs. Our dogs are not kept in kennels, but live on our ranches where they can just be dogs. We are committed to growing and plan to build more ranches to accommodate more dogs.