New Life 4 Spanish Animals e.V.

New Life 4 Spanish Animals e.V.

42  Teamers
2 596 € angariados

We are a small group who rescue animals in southern Spain, Murcia. As a few people rescue abandoned and needy animals and take care of them locally, in Germany we collect money and home those animals. The basics of our organization are conscientiousness, good medical care and transparency. This includes castrations as well as medical checks and tests for our animals. Taking care of mistreated animals until they are able to be rehomed costs such a lot. Each euro counts!

Projeto apoiado

Helping cats and dogs!

To cover veterinary fees, food and supplies.

Abandoned, sick and maltreated animals have to be rescued by our local supporters and the help of our Vet at Fuente Alamo. Besides we look after animals that have been abandoned and are not well... We cannot say no if we are asked for help. We take care of the animals found and afterwards we might be in trouble - as they have further health problems and cannot be homed easily... thus, sometimes we have to pay for them for ages without a chance of homing them.

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Atualizações do Grupo

Sandra Perrey
Sandra Perrey
Teaming Manager

02/05/2019 19:08 h

Welcome to all new members and thank you for supporting New Life 4 Spanish Animals! <3

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Últimos comentários

Sandra Perrey
Sandra Perrey
Teaming Manager

07/09/2024 09:19 h

Wir danken allen Teamern für die Unterstützung. Euer monatlicher 1 € - Beitrag summiert sich und ist eine wichtige Basis für unsere Arbeit in Spanien. Marie und ihre Freunde brauchen weiterhin Hilfe.

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Sandra Perrey
Sandra Perrey
Teaming Manager

26/12/2020 11:10 h

Wir danken allen Gruppenmitgliedern von Herzen und wünsche Euch und Euren Familien ein friedvolles Weihnachtsfest. Möge 2021 für Mensch und Tier ein besseres Jahr werden.

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Total angariado até agora:
2 596 €
Doamos até agora:
2 437 €
Valor angariado para o projeto
159 €
Consultar o histórico de angariações


Data de publicação

Tipo de Grupo

Proteção animal


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