Teaming-Manager seit: 18/04/2022
We fight for the welfare of abandoned and abused animals, we are a non-profit project. With your help we can continue rescuing, paying their veterinary expenses, neutered and feeding them.
Teamer seit: 22/04/2022
Die Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) umfasst eine heterogene Gruppe genetischer Erkrankungen mit erhöhter Knochenbrüchigkeit, geringer Knochenmasse und Neigung zu Knochenbrüchen unterschiedlichen Schweregrades.
Teamer seit: 12/05/2023
We sterilize the cats of the feline colonies that we voluntarily care for. We provide food and water daily. We sterilize males and females, deworm and offer basic care after surgery. In our municipality, the city council has not implemented the CER Capture-Sterilization-Return Method. All surgical operations are managed with own funds and donations Help us continue sterilizing Thank you so much AFA