Moving Forward Project

Moving Forward Project

15  Teamers
38 € récoltés

Moving Forward is a project run by the European Huntington Association that aims to provide high quality information and tailored support to the young generations of families impacted by Huntington's Disease.

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Moving Forward: support and information for young people impacted by Huntington's Disease (HD)

European Huntington Association

The Moving Forward project was created to provide support and information to the young generations from families impacted by HD. Specifically, this project wants to bring people at risk of HD, people who tested positive and people who tested negative closer to the patient organizations, clinics and research centres. The funds raised will support tailored actions to serve these groups, namely: online psychological support services; online sessions with the topic “One Disease, Multiple Stories”; face-to-face meetings dedicated to key topics (e.g., genetic testing, research); social media campaigns (e.g., lifestyle tips, research for non-researchers); updated and reliable information about HD available in10 languages ( Moving Forward is currently operating in Spain, Norway, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Sweden, France, Italy and The Netherlands.

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38 €
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Date de publication

Créé par
European Huntington Association

Type de Groupe

Aide à des malades
Coopération internationale


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