Moviment Juvenil de Temps Lliure

Valencia, Spain

Teaming Manager in 7 Groups

Contributes every month: €7 to 7 Groups

Since 12-02-2019 has contributed €125

Groups led


€1,007 Raised

10 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   19/02/2019

Help us carry out our educational leisure initiatives

The MLPV were born in 2006 from the union of several entities committed to a common methodology, ideology and objectives. We have put education by competencies in educational leisure at the center. If you have been a member of a cj, esplai or student association, or you think that things will not change on their own, it is time to take part. If you think giving young people opportunities is important, please help.

€214 Raised

15 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   14/03/2023

Become a partner of the new La Maranya Associative Space in Castelló!

La Maranya is a civic center serving associative activities and youth work. In this space we honor the militant work and commitment of hundreds of people from the municipalities of La Plana, in the democratic stage. In 2021 the "Citizen Movement Foundation" will acquire a ground floor to provides coverage to the youth work initiatives of Castelló in a stable manner. It has remained possible thanks to the volunteer work of more than 200 people, in the last 15 years.

€58 Raised

8 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   15/03/2024

Associa't a la Federació d'Estudiants FADES

Si eres estudiant d'institut, ho has sigut, o simplement creus que és important recolzar al moviment associatiu estudiantil, col·labora amb nosaltres. Els diners recaptats es destinaran a dur a terme les més de 700 activitats anuals que realitza la Federació FADES i les seues associacions membres, als instituts de secundària valencians.

€27 Raised

3 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   21/03/2024

Ajuda al Centre De Joves el Refugi de Castelló

Des de l'1 de gener de 2024, les famílies, les joves i algunes voluntàries estem finançant amb els nostres propis recursos ecònomics la Casa de Joventut el Refugi de Castelló. L'ajuntament ha deixat de finançar el projecte públic, però pensem que és necessari mantenir-lo. Col•labores?

€82 Raised

25 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   04/04/2024

Paga la teua quota del grup d'esplai!

Are you between 6 and 12 years old and were you a member of a fun group of the Castelló Fun Association? Are you a monitor of a leisure group of the Castelló Leisure Association? Are you a parent of a fun group from the Fun Association of Castelló? Were you responsible for any tasks that make the project possible? Have you been a member of splai, a monitor and do you want to continue supporting the educational project? Pay your fee here.

€23 Raised

4 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   26/06/2024

SOCIE - Education to change the world

Treballes amb joves, sobretot adolescents. Ho faries en un marc comú. Ho faries amb altres professionals (o voluntàries!). Vols medir, necessites eïnes, converses, treball en equip. Pots ajudar a altres amb la teua experiència. Fes-te membre del grup TEAMING de SOCIE - Educació per a canviar el món, i aprofita els avantatges de la comunitat d'oci educatiu més interessant.

€10 Raised

2 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   31/07/2024

Fes-te sòcia de la FCJCV

La Federació de Cases de Joventut fa possible l'existència de Centres Juvenils i Cases de Joventut gestionades per les pròpies joves. Fes la teua aportació mensual. Apostem en el poder transformador de la joventut!