Món La Bassa is an Animal Sanctuary founded in 2007; moment when its founder began rescuing animals, seeking to guarantee them a dignified life, free of pain and suffering. All of them are rescued from risk or abuse situations and can enjoy a second chance at life, full of love and dignity. Animals are never sold, traded or used for consumption or exploitation in any way.
Món- La Bassa exists since 2007 when Laia Galeano, founder, began rescuing animals, seeking to guarantee them a dignified life, free of pain and suffering. It is an animal sanctuary where animals rescued from situations of risk or abuse, can enjoy a second chance at life, full of love and dignity. Animals are never sold, traded or used for consumption or exploitation in any way. The Animal Sanctuary is the soul of -MÓN- La Bassa. Through animals, we get in touch with our most human side. -MÓN- La Bassa is a non-profit association that is also dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of our approaches to animal welfare, as well as the development of educational projects with a vocation for social change and solidarity activism. With your help we can continue to improve the quality of life of our refugees and their facilities. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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Data di pubblicazione
08/12/2014 19:23 h
No habia oido nunca hablar de vosotros, espero conoceros algun dia, haceis mi sueño, estar rodeada de animales, espero ayudaros con mi granito de arena. Me he hecho vegetariana tambien por amor a ellos. Mi otro granito de arena.
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