Monika Tolksdorf

Monika Tolksdorf


Teamer in 3 Groups

Contributes every month: €3 to 3 Groups

Since 25-01-2019 has contributed €181

Groups supported


€10,540 Raised

226 Teamers

Teamer since:  25/01/2019

DsN Animal protection for all!

The plight of the street dogs in Romania!., We have been dedicated for 9 years to help the animals in Giurgiu, Romania. There we currently take care of 260 dogs and 20 cats, all former emergencies, on our own large premises. All of them would not be alive without us. We take care of hundreds of emergencies every year, take in dogs and organize castrations, help those in need and prevent new emergencies - that's what we stand for!

€387 Raised

8 Teamers

Teamer since:  06/04/2020

Tierheim Barsinghausen

Wir versorgen, betreuen und vermitteln rund 400 Tiere im Jahr. Die Arbeit erfolgt fast ausschließlich durch ehrenamtliche Helferinnen und Helfer. Unser Tierheim besteht aus einem Katzenhaus für ca. 40 Katzen, ein Hundehaus mit vier Zwingern und ein Kleintierhaus für rund 20 Kaninchen sowie Meerschweinchen, Ratten, Mäuse oder Vögel.

€7,906 Raised

327 Teamers

Teamer since:  05/12/2020

Kastrations Projekt Rositsas Fellnasen

Rositsas Fellnasen is an Austrian animal welfare association that works in Bulgaria and has set itself the goal of giving the poorest of the poorest a chance locally. Our castration project has been running since September 1st, 2021 with the following special prices: Cat female 30€ Cat male 20€ Dog female 40€ Dog male 30€ We want to exchange poverty and ignorance for castration and education, that is our goal.