Teaming Manager since: 22/12/2017
Residencia Infantil Emmanuel Soporte económico para ayudar a pagar los gastos mínimos mensuales
Teamer since: 19/02/2014
Health Non-profit that develops global health projects with a comprehensive approach.
Teamer since: 11/06/2014
Helping those in need of food and a job. We are a group of volunteers based at 10 Manuel de Falla Street, Figueres (Girona) and the only income of the association is donated by individuals. The association is a collaborative entity of the Food Bank of Girona.
Teamer since: 20/06/2018
Oldstars is an association of older adults that seeks to promote sociocultural activities such as workshops, courses, conferences, exhibitions, and others. We want our members to discover new ways of learning and find new experiences at this stage of their lives. All proceeds are reinvested in the entity itself to help us keep it going. Thank you so much!
Teamer since: 07/11/2019
Sómos una asociación fundada por un grupo de jóvenes de la ciudad de Girona. Salimos varias noches por semana (actualmente 3) a repartir una cena y un desayuno a las personas que se encuentran en situación de sin techo en Girona. Nos sustenamos con las aportaciones que hacemos los propios socios/voluntarios, y cada vez llegamos a más gente, por eso necesitamos de tu granito de arena. De antemano, muchas gracias.
Teamer since: 31/12/2019
We are a non-profit association dedicated to rescue and bring greyhounds and other dogs, mostly discarded from hunting, from the rest of Spain and find them a suitable home here in Catalonia preferably, although we have adopters in many parts of Spain. We need help to pay for residences, transfers, feed, veterinary care, sometimes sterilizations, and other expenses for their maintenance. Thank you very much for your collaboration.
Teamer since: 22/04/2020
Young Life works with all types of teens, many of whom come from families without financial resources. Our vision is that EVERY young person has the opportunity to experience the benefits of CAMP after this confinement. We want to challenge you to help families who are being affected by the recent economic crises. With your donation you will contribute to help more young people to develop as a whole person.
Teamer since: 12/07/2020
Mes tras mes es uno de los gastos fijos que si o si debemos de hacer frente... Es por lo que se decide que este refugio sea parte de todxs, por lo que granito a granito todxs sumamos y nos será mas fácil seguir para adelante. No nos falles y únete... su bienestar y estar refugiados depende de ti. Ayúdanos a ayudarles! ÚNETE.
Teamer since: 21/11/2020
Thank God we have been able to Buy the house! We hope he uses this initiative for His glory. We hope that with the proceeds, the maximum number of children that attend our kids clubs, May come to camps totally subsidized and continue hearing the Gospel. We need your help! The more we are, the sooner we can pay for the reforms of the house and legalize it. If you would like to contribuye more, we have other ways to do it through this website https://elesplaielnen.wixsit
Teamer since: 03/07/2021
Sanctuary for elderly dogs or in special conditions, so that they can enjoy the rest of their lives with dignity, in a domestic environment. We need help to support the more than 20 members of the Empathia family. Thank you!
Teamer since: 28/01/2022
Nos hemos embarcado a este nuevo proyecto de poder albergar gatos que muchas veces hemos lamentado no recogerlos por que no disponíamos de refugio, ahora que lo tenemos como todos los comienzos cuesta ponerse en marcha... de euro a euro intentaremos ir avanzando poco a poco..... GRACIAS familia por apoyarnos y luchar por ellos!
Teamer since: 29/01/2022
We have about 600 Cats in controlled colonies. The oldest cat in the colony was KITTY with 25 years of age. We currently have many cats over the age of 17 in our colonies. Every week felines in very bad condition are RESCUED, they live in the HOGAR de los Gatos. The Sanctuary's job is to regain their physical and mental state to find a new family for them. About 700 Cats depend on us, all of them receive their veterinary assistance when they need it.
Teamer since: 02/06/2022
La Asociacion Protectora de Animales y Plantas de Zafra: El Refugio de Brown es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro orientada a la preservación de los derechos de los animales y plantas, promoviendo actividades y campañas de concienciación. La asociación tiene un refugio ubicado en Zafra (Badajoz) en el cual se albergan animales abandonados, se les proporcionan los cuidados veterinarios, de limpieza y manutención necesarios hasta encontrarles un hogar de adopcion definitivo.
Teamer since: 13/01/2023
Somos la primera asociación protectora de animales en Aljaraque, intentamos salvar colonias de gatos abandonados y también estamos construyendo desde cero un refugio para ellos. Necesitamos ayuda económica para acabar su construcción, pero también para seguir alimentadolos, pagar sus tratamientos médicos y esterilizaciones. Por favor, ayúdanos, la situación es crítica. Asociación Protectora APAC Huelva
Teamer since: 30/07/2023
Cuidamos de cerca de 600 felinos Comunitarios, los que viven en la calle. Llevamos más de 20 años en el trabajo de colonias. Tú ayuda nos sirve para poder pagar las facturas veterinarias de los felinos que viven en la calle. Muchos de nuestros gatos SIN TECHO son ancianos, sus visitas veterinarias son asiduas.