Milagros Pérez Pérez

Milagros Pérez Pérez

Madrid, Espanha

Teamer de 26 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 25 € para 25 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 02-08-2015 contribuiu 1 383 €

Grupos de que participa


78 088 € Arrecadados

680 Teamers

Teamer desde:  22/01/2016


*Baasgalgo is a non-profit organization founded in response to the high number of abandoned greyhounds in Spain. We handle everything concerning to the rescue, recovery and adoption of abandoned greyhounds. Help us with only 1€ per month

312 215 € Arrecadados

5 001 Teamers

Teamer desde:  22/01/2016

Animal Rescue Spain!

We rescue abandoned and mistreated animals all around Spain. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals' dreams come true!

13 134 € Arrecadados

140 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/11/2016

Fondo veterinario Animal Rescue España

Fondo para los gastos veterinarios de los animales rescatados por Fundación Animal Rescue

43 710 € Arrecadados

541 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/01/2018


We help abandoned animals. We provide them with therapy for any phisical damage, and then we rehabilitate them for any emotional damage, we find them forever homes. Would you help us?

14 865 € Arrecadados

170 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/02/2018


The Humanitarian Maritime Rescue Association (SMH) is an NGO that defends the life and human rights of displaced people. Our main tool is the Aita Mari ship, with which we help people who go to sea in search of survival. More or less €20,000 is the amount it costs us to fill the ship's fuel tanks. Help us reach them and rescue them. Every month you will know that that euro is helping to save lives.

9 226 € Arrecadados

225 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/03/2018

Plataforma NAC

Somos una asociación apartidista, aconfesional y antiespecista sin ánimo de lucro, cuyo fundamental objetivo es concienciar y promover el respeto y los intereses individuales de los animales no humanos, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la caza, así como hacer valer y ampliar sus derechos. Precisamos financiación para nuestras actividades.

162 712 € Arrecadados

2 216 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/05/2018



40 336 € Arrecadados

941 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/05/2018


Rescue, rehabilitation, care and adoption of abandoned animals in Spain. All the money will go to the voiceless who need us so much, we turn your EURO into life.

503 152 € Arrecadados

14 394 Teamers

Teamer desde:  07/05/2018

Teamers 4 Teaming

Ajudamos mais de milhares de causas sociais a tornar os seus projetos possíveis todos os dias. Desde que lançámos o Teaming, já angariámos mais de 54 milhões de euros para as causas, totalmente livres de comissões. Criámos este Grupo Teaming para ajudar a Fundação Teaming a continuar a ajudar os outros com esta plataforma. Entre outros apoios, graças aos Teamers deste Grupo,o Teaming é totalmente gratuito. O nosso sonho: sermos autossustentáveis graças a este Grupo.

96 763 € Arrecadados

1 910 Teamers

Teamer desde:  03/11/2019

El Refugio de Brown

La Asociacion Protectora de Animales y Plantas de Zafra: El Refugio de Brown es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro orientada a la preservación de los derechos de los animales y plantas, promoviendo actividades y campañas de concienciación. La asociación tiene un refugio ubicado en Zafra (Badajoz) en el cual se albergan animales abandonados, se les proporcionan los cuidados veterinarios, de limpieza y manutención necesarios hasta encontrarles un hogar de adopcion definitivo.

15 442 € Arrecadados

365 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/03/2020

Help the TELEPHONE OF HOPE to continue serving

We are more than 1,600 volunteers and although our best known face is suicide intervention, our goal is to care for people in situations of emotional crisis: loneliness, depression, anxiety, life crisis, etc. Free of charge, we offer a 24-hour telephone GUIDANCE SERVICE, 365 days a year and FOLLOW-UP MONITORING with psychologists in those cases that need it. We teach WORKSHOPS about personal development for prevention and emotional education.

126 291 € Arrecadados

1 041 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/03/2020

Ningun peque sin desayuno

Soy Inés, azafata de vuelo y presidenta de la Asociación Ningún Peque Sin Desayuno. Este grupo servirá para ayudar a todas las familias que van a encontrarse en una situación de extrema necesidad provocado por la crisis del CORONAVIRUS. Cada euro que consigamos servirá para enviar carros de comida, material escolar, pagar recibos de luz, alquiler y todo aquello que necesiten. Si quieres saber todo lo que hago desde la asociación puedes entrar en

24 984 € Arrecadados

476 Teamers

Teamer desde:  01/05/2020

ESA - Esterilización Solidaria Animal

Non-profit association that, through castration, fights to avoid the overpopulation of stray and abandoned animals. Help us avoid so many helpless litters.

4 249 € Arrecadados

69 Teamers

Teamer desde:  26/07/2020

ESA - Esterilización Solidaria Animal 2

Second teaming of the non-profit association Esterilización Solidaria Animal (ESA). For those who want to donate a second euro a month to help reduce the overpopulation of stray and abandoned animals.

74 824 € Arrecadados

702 Teamers

Teamer desde:  12/09/2020

Animal Rescue Centre Every Horse in the World (Formerly Known as CYD)

Our animal rescue centre is one of a kind. We need your help to feed and take care of over 200 animals, including horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, tortoises, peacocks and chickens, that live in semi-freedom, as well as other animals in need of our urgent help. Smile with Us. Join our Family.

35 394 € Arrecadados

880 Teamers

Teamer desde:  25/06/2021

El Refugio de Brown-Rescatados de la Perrera

Este grupo nació con la salvación de Ivanka, una perra rescatada de la perrera. Por suerte fue adoptada en muy poco tiempo por Inma y vive actualemente en Barcelona. Se ha mantenido este grupo y el dinero recaudado va destinado a la Asoc. Protectora de Zafra. EL refugio de Brown, y en concreto para los perros rescatados de la Perrera de Zafra. Gracias a todos. Seguiremos luchando por salvar vidas !!!!

41 027 € Arrecadados

1 716 Teamers

Teamer desde:  09/12/2021

Familia Bombay

Kittens Shelter for Leukemic Cats. On April 9th, 2021, the 8 babies of Bombay were born, a kitten rescued 21 days earlier from the street. An angel suffering from 3 mastitis since giving birth, yet continuing to breastfeed her babies. Two months later, we find out that both the 8 babies and Bombay are positive for Leukemia, and today 'Bombay Family' begins to fulfill a dream and not abandon the weakest at the worst moment. Help with veterinary expenses, medicines, and food.

95 292 € Arrecadados

1 839 Teamers

Teamer desde:  16/12/2021

Santuario Winston de ayuda a caballos

This is a sanctuary to help abused & abandoned horses and other species. Live 64 equines and other animals in the sanctuary. The approximate cost per horse per month is 120 euros if they are in good health; if there are not, the amount can go up to a few hundreds of euros and even thousands. We do not have any public subsidy and we NEED YOU THE FINANCIAL HELP TO CONTINUE HELPING THEM. For those who can make some contribution please do so at: IBAN acc. num. IBAN ES89 2100 1277 8113 0027 3677

6 311 € Arrecadados

178 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/01/2022

People changing other people's lives

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had grown up without the love of a family? In Andalusia there are more than 2,300 girls and boys who live in child protection centers who cannot count on the warmth a home that allows them to develop with full rights. Collaborating Families share time on weekends and vacations with boys and girls who live in child protection centers, creating a healthy and unconditional bond. With only €1 a month improve their present to change their future.

5 723 € Arrecadados

97 Teamers

Teamer desde:  15/02/2022

El Sendero de Norte

We are a non-profit animal shelter, we are very dedicated to grandparents, because it is very unfair that they are abandoned just for being older, "for not being worthy", for being a hindrance after a life of work. When they need us most, we give them the boot. Can you help us make our furry dogs better? For example, a large dog needs 12 Teamers for its chondroprotectors and 18 Teamers for its 15k bag of feed each month. Help us help them: Become a Teamer for only 1 euro per month.

34 473 € Arrecadados

1 043 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/02/2022

Hugo, cree en ti

Hola, soy Hugo Dato. Un mal diagnóstico pediátrico durante el confinamiento me causó un infarto y una lesión cerebral con tan sólo 15 meses. Ahora lucho por volver a ser el que era. Sin embargo, la seguridad social apenas cubre mis tratamientos de rehabilitación, y por eso mis papás están llevando a cabo esta campaña de recaudación de fondos. ¿Me ayudas?

25 625 € Arrecadados

903 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/05/2022

Solidarios sin Fronteras. Fighting undernourishment in Yemen

1 in 5 children in Yemen suffer from acute malnutrition (2.3 million total). 500,000 are at risk of death. Families do not have money for the hospital or for necessary food. Under Yemeni pediatric supervision we take care of serious and difficult cases. We give milk, food, medicine, medical assistance, pay hospital admissions, etc., until their recovery or improvement. €1 pays for 1 day's worth of milk for 1 baby. Every €10 we buy 1 can of milk for 4 days.

94 792 € Arrecadados

1 254 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/08/2022

Association in Defense of the Equidae ADE Cal Lari

This group is created to help the many needs of Cal Lari, ADE’s "big" shelter. In it almost 50 horses and other animals live free. Gary, was rescued this summer of '22, a welsh pony condemned for malformation in its legs to starve and thirst in a cage of iron rods next to a road. After his rescue and hospital admission to the veterinary clinic, we have him recovering in Cal Lari. Keeping one horse a month is 200 € only in food.

5 806 € Arrecadados

211 Teamers

Teamer desde:  18/10/2022


Nos hemos embarcado a este nuevo proyecto de poder albergar gatos que muchas veces hemos lamentado no recogerlos por que no disponíamos de refugio, ahora que lo tenemos como todos los comienzos cuesta ponerse en marcha... de euro a euro intentaremos ir avanzando poco a poco..... GRACIAS familia por apoyarnos y luchar por ellos!

11 393 € Arrecadados

1 049 Teamers

Teamer desde:  29/10/2022

El Refugio de Brown - Abuelitos

Son muchos los animales mayores y ancianos que tenemos en la protectora, estas criaturas permanecerán hasta el fin de sus días con nosotras, tienen problemas de huesos ( movilidad) de visión, alimentaria, otitis y dermatitis crónicas, tienen mucha medicación y cuidados especiales, alguno de ellos usan pañales para dormir. Analíticas constante. Son muchos gastos, esta ayuda va para ellos, para mantener su salud y así garantizar su calidad de vida el tiempo que estén con nosotras. Gracias!!!

20 137 € Arrecadados

827 Teamers

Teamer desde:  20/12/2022

Salvar Santuario Vacaloura

The funds raised through this group will be used to carry out the necessary works to build #ParaísoVacaloura and to deal with the constant improvement and maintenance that such a facility requires.