Mayte Bosch Caballero

Barcelona, Spain

Teamer in 6 Groups

Contributes every month: €6 to 6 Groups

Since 02-04-2014 has contributed €682

Groups supported


€678,258 Raised

6,941 Teamers

Teamer since:  02/04/2014

Fundación Santuario Gaia

Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives.   Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains.   You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:

€35,166 Raised

597 Teamers

Teamer since:  02/04/2014


Caldes Animal struggles to improve the well-being of abandoned animals when the number of abandonment seems to increase and society seems to not want to assume responsibility for animal defense. Every year, the unprotected dogs and cats protect themselves with wounds and problems of socialization for ill-treatment. We take care of them and put all our human heat in finding a new home for all of them. Help us to help them!

€30,247 Raised

237 Teamers

Teamer since:  27/05/2014

Progat la Garriga

Associació en defensa del gat de carrer. Tenim cura de les colònies de gats de La Garriga, fem esterilitzacions, guarim els gats malalts i busquem cases d'acollida i famílies als gats abandonats i als cadells. Asociación en defensa del gato de calle. Cuidamos de las colonias de gatos de La Garriga, hacemos esterilizaciones, curamos los gatos enfermos y buscamos casas de acogida y familias a los gatos abandonados y a los gatitos.

€14,581 Raised

78 Teamers

Teamer since:  19/06/2015


L'associació ARBRA va néixer al març del 2011 a Sta. Eulàlia de Ronçana, amb l'objectiu de donar una llar als animals que han estat abandonats, principalment al nostre municipi, així com d'altres llocs. També és important per a nosaltres la conscienciació ciutadana envers el respecte cap a tot tipus d'ésser viu. El nostre objectiu principal és trobar una família definitiva a tots aquests animals, i fins que arribi aquest moment, tenir cura d'ells. Ens ajudes a seguir salvant vides?

€8,742 Raised

94 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/04/2016

Associació Adopta Un Amic

La Asoc. Adopta Un Amic es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro fundada en Mollet del Vallés en 2013. Nuestro principal objetivo es rescatar animales que han sufrido abandono y darles una segunda oportunidad. No disponemos de refugio, por lo que trabajamos con casas de acogida. Tenemos algunos de nuestros perros en residencia, que eso nos supone un coste muy alto al mes. Nos encargamos de la manutención y veterinarios de unos 60 gatos.

€3,247 Raised

36 Teamers

Teamer since:  31/03/2017


We RESCUE animals in extreme situation. The objective is to protect them through PREVENTION (awareness campaigns and educational programs). We foment respect for animals and we promote positive education, adoption, sterilization and the elimination of their trade. REVINDICATE their rights, constantly violated, and demand the application of existing laws that are ignored by public administrations.