MayoresUDP Unión democrática de Pensionistas

Madrid, Espanya

Teaming Manager de 1 Grups

Cada mes aporta 1 € a 1 Grups

Des del 11-03-2019 ha aportat 46 €

Grups que lidera


68 € Recaptats

2 Teamers

Teaming Manager des de:  11/03/2019

Unión Democrática de Pensionistas y Jubilados de España

Help us build a society for all ages! It collaborates with the purposes of the Democratic Union of Pensioners and Retirees of Spain -UDP. We are a democratic, pluralistic, independent, free and unitary Confederation of Elderly People, non-profit and declared of Public Utility. Registered in the Registry of Associations No. F-213. Created, directed and managed by and for the elderly. Learn about our work and work at