Teaming Manager dal: 19/08/2022
Jasmina needs help with the pension costs, food and the veterinary costs for her rescued dogs. She doesn't receive any support from the government or anything similar. This means, every single Euro is important and she would be incredibly grateful if you gave her only 1€ each month. Thank you!
Teaming Manager dal: 24/08/2022
Diana Gapova (Pleven Bulgaria), registered association, urgently needs help for her 373 dogs/puppies and 78 cats. Veterinarian/vaccination/feed, repairs, neutering/emergencies is only possible through Diana's voluntary work and donations.
Teamer da: 19/10/2020
Wir vom Tierengel Burak e.V. haben NIE Weggeschaut wenn ein Tier in Not war, aktuell befinden sich über 300 Hunde und über 50 Katzen in Unserer Obhut in Tier Pensionen. Es fehlt Uns jeden Monat an Futter weil Unsere Schützlinge kaum Paten haben IHR könntet das ÄNDERN Gemeinsam Können Wir mit NUR 1€ im Monat dafür Sorgen das UNSERE SCHÜTZLINGE satt Werden und genug zu essen haben. BITTE SCHAUT NICHT WEG UND MACHT MIT UND vergesst BITTE nicht.. "SIE HABEN NUR EUCH"
Teamer da: 12/11/2020
Create a sustainable, socially inclusive & animal welfare-oriented centre in Ukraine - For street animals and local people, together with them! In the meantime: sensitive reduction of street animals through castration, education and registration; emergency care; support other ukrainian organisations with similar philosophies Your membership secures lives, expands help possibilities and stabilizes planning! THANK YOU. Your team of ArtgerechtSozial e. V. www. artgerecht-sozial. com
Teamer da: 20/12/2020
Wonderland is a private Shelter in Targoviste Romania run by Cristina Paun & the UK Charity Bid to Save a Stray which Cristina is a Trustee of & funds will be paid to the UK bank account.. During years she saved more than 8.000 Dogs from death and hunger. Wonderland Sanctuary is a Home for +/- 1400 dogs & we have high monthly expenses to keep them all fed and cared for. Many People can move a lot and help us with only 1Euro to continue our Dream from a safe Place for romanian stray dogs.
Teamer da: 09/03/2021
Animal welfare goes beyond national borders. Every animal deserves a chance at a dignified life. The association operates a shelter in Tunari, Romania. A maximum of 140 dogs can currently be taken in and cared for there. We take care of dogs that have had an accident or are in need, and we constantly rescue animals from the so-called killing-shelters. In addition, we support and organize castration campaigns and maintain a Germany-wide network of around 100 foster homes.
Teamer da: 17/03/2021
The Yellow Paw e.V. is a registered non-profit association and has existed since 2021. We have set ourselves the goal of rescuing dogs from killing stations or street dogs in Romania. Stray cats are also among our protégés. We mediate dogs, in cooperation with the organization Flash Pet, to terminals with traces, EU passports and all the necessary precautions. Support us and donate 1€ for 1 life
Teamer da: 08/04/2021
Bitte hilf den Herdenschutzhunden bei Secure Base ! Es ist uns eine Herzensangelegenheit für diejenigen da zu sein für die sich niemand mehr zuständig fühlt. Für die, die KEINE Lobby haben. Wir sind bemüht einen geschützten Raum zu schaffen in dem sich diese Hunde neu orientieren und entwickeln können. Wo wir sie genau da abholen wo sie nun mal sind ohne große Anforderungen oder Ansprüche an sie zu stellen.
Teamer da: 04/06/2021
For 2014 we have been helping Stibis' dog paradise, in Public Shelter Galati, where 1500 dogs "live". These dogs do not have anyone and so you need us. We make sure enough food is available on site and have already saved many dogs. We also castrate, we let dogs provide medical care, etc. Therefore, we are grateful to YOU for any help. We also have 50 dogs waiting for paid foster homes in Romania for your chance. Please help us so that we can continue to help
Teamer da: 16/11/2021
Liebe Mitglieder Wir sammeln und holen Hunde aus der Tötungsstation in Sarajevo Diese armen Seelen werden nach 3 Wochen in der Tötung einfach umgebracht Bitte helft uns damit diese armen Tiere nicht sinnlos sterben müssen
Teamer da: 25/11/2021
Unsere Tierschützerin Andra vom Verein Happy Tails Brasov hat ihre Arbeit und ihre privaten Bedürfnisse komplett aufgegeben, da sie das Elend auf den Straßen Rumäniens nicht mehr ertragen konnte. Ihr ganzes Leben sind die Tiere. Jedes gerettete Tier wird bei ihr auf der "Happy Burg" betreut.❤️ Wir sind KEIN Shelter. Viele Hunde und Katzen konnten ein schönes Zuhause finden. Aber auch die nicht vermittelbaren Tiere finden bei ihr ein ZUHAUSE und müssen nicht zurück auf die Straße.
Teamer da: 25/01/2022
Das private shelter unter der Leitung von Carmen Bucur braucht jeden Monat 3000€ Futtergeld. Das Foster beherbergt 329 Hunde und etwa 40 Katzen
Teamer da: 28/08/2022
WIR HELFEN HUNDEN UND KATZEN IN MAZEDONIEN: Vermittlung nach Deutschland und innerhalb Mazedonien, Aufklärung der Bevölkerung, Fütterung der Straßentiere, Kastrationen, Rettung verletzter und ausgesetzte Tiere. ♥️ We help dogs and cats in Macedonia: Finding them a new home in Macedonia and Germany, feeding the strays, spay and neuter, saving them when they are hurt or abandoned, educating the population.
Teamer da: 29/08/2022
Andrijana lovingly caters to about 90 dogs and cats on a donation basis in Serbia. Since these donations are not sufficient, they urgently need support for food, veterinary costs and necessary building measures for the animals.
Teamer da: 14/03/2023
Sabir viene dall'Azerbaigian e, come disoccupato con una grave operazione al cuore alle spalle, ha già salvato innumerevoli gatti insieme alle sue due figlie e sua moglie, anche se lui stesso ha solo i soldi per mangiare. Aggiungono regolarmente nuovi gatti ai 40 di cui si occupano, sia adulti che gattini, che salvano dalle strade e dalla gente crudele. La famiglia è grata per ogni donazione, perché ogni euro conta per i gatti!
Teamer da: 27/04/2023
Without paying rent 360 Euro of my flat, I have to leave and the animals must back on street. I am an animal rights activist in Athens and currently take care of 150 of my own cats and also a few cat colonies and other strays. I need financial support for food, renting the cat house, vet costs, neutering and much more. Please help me take care of the animals.
Teamer da: 02/09/2024
Aiutiamo più di 8,000 cause sociali a rendere possibili i loro progetti. Da quando è stato lanciato Teaming, abbiamo raccolto per loro più di 50 milioni di euro, a commissioni zero. Abbiamo creato questo Gruppo in modo da supportare la Fondazione Teaming per aiutare gli altri, attraverso questa piattaforma. È grazie ai Teamers di questo Gruppo che Teaming è totalmente gratuito. Il nostro sogno è quello di renderci autosufficienti, proprio grazie a questo Gruppo.Ti piacerebbe unirti a noi?
Teamer da: 06/10/2024
2015 wird der Verein Streunerhilfe Sizilien e.V. gegründet und ist seither in der Region Menfi, Sizilien tätig. Bianca, unsere Frau vor Ort, arbeitet Tag für Tag mit vollem Einsatz für die in Not geratenen Strassenhunde und -katzen. Der Fokus liegt in der Ursachenbekämpfung, Kastrationskampagnen und Aufklärung vor Ort. Unser Ziel ist es, unseren vierbeinigen Freunden, die Opfer menschlicher Gleichgültigkeit sind, Würde und ein besseres Leben zu garantieren. Unterstütze uns mit €1 ♡-lichen Dank