Valencia, Spagna
Teamer in 12 Gruppi
Dona ogni mese: 12 € a 12 Gruppi
Da 02-05-2021 ha contribuito 283 €
Teamer da: 13/10/2021
somos una asociacion protectora de animales sin ayudas, nos dedicamos a rescatar animales de la calle y encontrarles un buen hogar, hemos creado este grupo para poder recaudar fondos y asi poder realizar mejor nuestra labor
Teamer da: 13/10/2021
Aiutiamo più di 8,000 cause sociali a rendere possibili i loro progetti. Da quando è stato lanciato Teaming, abbiamo raccolto per loro più di 50 milioni di euro, a commissioni zero. Abbiamo creato questo Gruppo in modo da supportare la Fondazione Teaming per aiutare gli altri, attraverso questa piattaforma. È grazie ai Teamers di questo Gruppo che Teaming è totalmente gratuito. Il nostro sogno è quello di renderci autosufficienti, proprio grazie a questo Gruppo.Ti piacerebbe unirti a noi?
Teamer da: 23/12/2021
Jorge sufrió una transfusión feto-fetal de su hermano gemelo Cristian a las 36 semanas de embarazo, lo que le produjo una anemia severa. Cristian no tuvo tanta suerte y murió. Tras 17 días en la UCI, parecía que Jorge iba evolucionando bien, pero con el tiempo le diagnosticaron una parálisis cerebral. Desde entonces le hemos estado ayudando con muchas terapias y aparatos ortopédicos. Tenemos un sueño: que pueda andar. ¿Nos ayudas a hacerlo posible con 1€/mes?
Teamer da: 23/02/2022
Ciao, sono Hugo Dato. Una cattiva diagnosi pediatrica durante il parto mi ha causato un infarto e una lesione cerebrale quando avevo solo 15 mesi. Ora lotto per tornare ad essere quello che ero. Tuttavia, la previdenza sociale copre a malapena le mie cure riabilitative ed è per questo che i miei genitori stanno portando avanti questa campagna di raccolta fondi. Tu mi aiuti?
Teamer da: 23/03/2022
GAB is an association that fights against the mistreatment and abandonment of the Ratonero Bodeguero Andaluz. This breed is used for hunting and when they are "no longer useful" they are abandoned. It is the same problem as with galgos and podencos, except that the bodegueros are not such a well known breed. The money raised goes directly to pay for the dogs' homes, which cost 100 euros per month per dog, plus countless veterinary expenses. Every euro counts to keep saving dogs.
Teamer da: 20/04/2022
We provide care and guidance to people living on the streets of Barcelona. We guide them towards a more autonomous life, covering their basic needs, providing social care and guaranteeing accommodation for those in the most vulnerable situations. We also work to raise awareness, denounce unjust situations and provide solutions to make #nobodysleepinginthestreet possible. Become a Teamer and collaborate by contributing 1 euro a month!
Teamer da: 08/02/2023
A seguito degli attacchi incessanti e indiscriminati di Israele su Gaza per diversi mesi di guerra, le famiglie bevono acqua non sicura e restano per giorni senza cibo. Il sistema sanitario è completamente collassato a causa di epidemie e gravi ferite causate dai continui bombardamenti. Nonostante ciò, le nostre équipe continuano a lavorare instancabilmente per salvare vite umane.
Teamer da: 08/02/2023
After 12 years of crisis, humanitarian needs in Syria have reached unprecedented levels. Millions of Syrians have been forcibly displaced to neighboring countries, and the more than 6 million internally displaced are struggling to overcome immense challenges exacerbated by the earthquake of 2023. UNHCR continues to support them with, among other things, stoves and fuel for generating heat, thermal insulation for tents and winter clothing. Photo © UNHCR/Claire Thomas
Teamer da: 30/05/2023
I'm Martin, they call me Tintin, I'm 2 years old. I was born with some malformations and one of them was a cleft lip, for which they operated on me when I was 3 months old. They had given my parents full assurance that it would be a simple operation, but something went wrong and I ended up in the Ucip with mechanical ventilation and deep sedation, and one day, they accidentally extubate me and I went into cardiorespiratory arrest for 15 min, and because of that accident I have cerebral palsy.
Teamer da: 27/06/2023
The Douages sanctuary is the biggest sanctuary in France for farmed animals. Over 800 animals, saved from slaughterhouses or mistreatments, are now living a peaceful life at the Douages. The sanctuary takes care of sheep, goats, horses, pigs, cows, chickens... and many other animals. We only live through donations. Please help us to keep welcoming and taking care of all these animals who want to live a happy and peaceful life far from slaugherhouses.
Teamer da: 23/01/2024
Abril is a 7-year-old girl diagnosed with SPG52, with only 50 diagnoses in the world. SPG52 is an ultra-rare disease that causes very serious symptoms such as severe intellectual disability, epileptic seizures and very rapid muscle degradation in the lower body. Abril started walking when she was 3 years old and now at 7 she can hardly move anymore.
Teamer da: 07/02/2024
Abril is a 7-year-old girl diagnosed with SPG52, with only 50 diagnoses in the world. SPG52 is an ultra-rare disease that causes very serious symptoms such as severe intellectual disability, epileptic seizures and very rapid muscle degradation in the lower body. Abril started walking when she was 3 years old and now at 7 she can hardly move anymore.