Teamer seit: 30/09/2018
Rescatamos animales difícil e imposible de coger, con jaulas de todo tipo,redes, empanadilla, etc..hay animales con tanto miedo que es imposible cogerlos, nosotros hacemos posible que tengan UNA OPORTUNIDAD
Teamer seit: 08/12/2019
The purpose of Refugio Byron is to save the lives of canines that are in the sad situation of living on the street. To achieve this goal, we work on: rescue, veterinary care, food, care, protection, shelter and dissemination, until we find them a permanent home. We are a small group of people, we do not have any type of public aid or subsidy. We have the limited financial resources obtained with personal, partner and volunteer contributions.
Teamer seit: 02/01/2023
Asociación encargada de cuidar, alimentar, esterilizar y dar atención veterinaria a colonias de gatos en Campos del Rio, Murcia.