Teamer de 9 Grupos
Contribui mensalmente: 8 € para 8 Grupos/projetos sociais
Desde 08-04-2013 contribuiu 571 €
Teamer desde: 12/09/2015
AVPD, Asociación Valencia Perrera Dogs, are a registered charity in Spain (G98900228). Our objective is to find rescue spaces and other safe and caring opportunities for the dogs saved from perreras (dog pounds) and for those found abandoned on the street.
Teamer desde: 16/05/2016
We are an animal shelter who defends animal rights.We are taking care of about 100 animals and we need help tu pay all their maintenance and keep rescuing more in the future. Thanks a million for your help
Teamer desde: 09/04/2017
Soy particular y solo con una casa de acogida salvo muchos perros y gatos de mi pueblo qe son abandonados ,maltratados y enfermos que nadie quiere..necesito que la gente qe confia en mi me ayude para seguir para alante , rescato , acojo , viajo para llevar a muchos de mis perros recogidos y siempre tengo deudas en el veterinario y algunos de mis animales estan enfermos! Nos ayudas????? Unete ami grupo gracias !!!!
Teamer desde: 16/04/2017
I am a mad English woman living in Spain with my 42 rescued dogs. I have no funding and am finding it difficult to cope now with all my savings used up. I would be grateful for any help anyone can give!
Teamer desde: 25/02/2019
MEFIGA-Help cats and dogs in Bosnia is a small group volunteers who save,take care and help the abandoned animals in Bosnia. We cares for dogs and cats,all rescued from street or public shelter. We feed them,give veterinary assistance,neuter project, build shelters and try give them better life on street or be prepared to forever home. Our resources are very limited but with contributions from you we can give them a chance for care and treatment. Can you join us?
Teamer desde: 28/11/2022
Galgos Rescue Almeria (GRA) is een kleine shelter die zich vooral bekommerd om het lot van galgos en podencos.Deze rassen worden door de Spaanse overheid totaal niet beschermd daar ze gebruikt, zeg maar gerust misbruikt, worden voor de jacht en eigenlijk aanzien worden als een werktuig.Uiteraard sluiten we de ogen niet voor andere rassen/dieren in nood, en zetten wij ook voor hen ons hart en deuren open.
Teamer desde: 29/11/2022
Nuestra misión es dar un nuevo hogar a los animales abandonados que acogemos. Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que tiene por objetivo, acoger perros y gatos abandonados y cuidarlos en nuestro refugio, mientras les encontramos un nuevo hogar, donde vuelvan a sentirse felices.
Teamer desde: 17/01/2023
The Galgos del Sur Association is a non-profit organization located in Córdoba. We fight against the abandonment and massive sacrifice of greyhounds and hunting dogs, to raise awareness and awareness in society about this problem and give a new life looking for good families. In this group you collaborate with the expenses we have every day: veterinarians, rent, cleaning, food, etc. Keep in mind that Galgos del Sur does not receive aid or subsidies, we only have you to go on.
Teamer desde: 24/05/2024
Our story: We are a small dog resque center, located in Los Brazos, 20 minutes from Cabarete, in the Dominican Republic. Our task is helping streetdogs in need, both on the streets and as a rehabilitation center, for some of the worse cases. The little center is run by Kristina (Denmark), who have been living on the island for 5 years. Her passion for our furry friends, brought her to buy a small piece of land, with the dream of helping dogs, in a country without a law system for animals.