maria josefa torres gonzalez

Córdoba, Spain

Teaming Manager in 1 Groups

Teamer in 3 Groups

Contributes every month: €4 to 4 Groups

Since 20-03-2016 has contributed €481

Groups led


€3,963 Raised

29 Teamers

Teaming Manager since:   20/03/2016

ayuda a salvar abandonados

Soy particular y solo con una casa de acogida salvo muchos perros y gatos de mi pueblo qe son abandonados ,maltratados y enfermos que nadie quiere..necesito que la gente qe confia en mi me ayude para seguir para alante , rescato , acojo , viajo para llevar a muchos de mis perros recogidos y siempre tengo deudas en el veterinario y algunos de mis animales estan enfermos! Nos ayudas????? Unete ami grupo gracias !!!!

Groups supported


€7,167 Raised

81 Teamers

Teamer since:  17/11/2018

Asociación Gos Maco

We are an association from Barcelona dedicated to animal rescue. We do not have a shelter, we only operate with foster homes, in our case they are essential to be able to continue helping the animals that need us. We consider ourselves the bridge to happiness for all these unlucky animals but without your help it is not possible. There are a lot of animals, a lot of work, a lot of expenses, a lot of time and dedication. We need you on this journey! Adopt, Host, Donate, Spread... It all adds up!

€14,845 Raised

179 Teamers

Teamer since:  01/03/2020


A rescue and rehoming sanctuary for abused, neglected and abandoned Galgos and Podencas in Malaga, Spain. Entirely voluntary funded, this charity has saved the lives of many Galgos left to die on the streets. All our dogs are vaccinated, neutered, and rehabilitated before we place them in forever homes. This group is to raise money for ongoing running costs and vets fees for special cases like Ebro.

€3,878 Raised

81 Teamers

Teamer since:  31/12/2020

112CarlotaGalgos Holland

Deze stichting ter bescherming van de Galgos ondersteunt de moederorganisatie 112CarlotaGalgos in Spanje door opvang en plaatsing van haar honden in Nederland en België. Wij brengen het lot van de galgo onder de aandacht en werken aan meer naamsbekendheid voor deze kleine organisatie in Malaga die geen enkele overheidssteun ontvangt. Door evenementen, crowdfunding, sponsorgelden en giften hopen wij voor hen financiële middelen te genereren.