Maria Antònia Salom

Baleares (Illes), Spagna

Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Teamer in 8 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 9 € a 9 Gruppi

Da 29-09-2015 ha contribuito 637 €

Gruppi che amministra


968 € Totale raccolto

19 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   17/07/2018

Moixets de Cas Capità. Marratxí.

Desde este grupo nos hacemos cargo del cuidado, castración y alimentación de lxs gatitxs de la barriada de cas Capità. Tenemos más de 60 gatos ya castrados, que saben perfectamente donde tienen que ir a comer, y que les encanta la latita de la noche. Sacamos de la calle todos los gatitos mansos y pequeños, los damos en adopción con compromiso de castración. Cualquier ayuda, ya sabéis, es muy importante. Gracias de todo corazón.

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


1.171 € Totale raccolto

9 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/12/2017

colonia gatos felanitx

Now this teaming, is to be able to have a help every month to cover the costs of maintenance, deworming, visits to the vet, castrations... etc from the cat colony. Are already more than 80 cats to feed, but also I feed several colonies that there are in my area, I am particular and I don'tt receive any help, always come "new" to castrate and heal. I take at home stray cats, I'm forest home for mommies about to give birth, abandoned babies.

1.882 € Totale raccolto

41 Teamer

Teamer da:  03/06/2019

Moixets de Sa Roqueta

Somos una organización a beneficio de los gatos callejeros, alimentamos, rescatamos y buscamos un hogar para ellos, con la ayuda de todos es posible. VIVIR PARA AYUDAR!!

43.373 € Totale raccolto

308 Teamer

Teamer da:  30/12/2019

Activism For Animals!

We are a group of activists who raise awareness about the exploitation suffered by animals and work on social, political and legislative initiatives to defend them, supporting the work of NGOs such as LIBERA!

251.719 € Totale raccolto

3.602 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/06/2021

Open Arms

Open Arms apre le braccia a donne, uomini, ragazzi, ragazze e a tutti coloro che fuggono dall'orrore, in cerca di una possibilità. L'emergenza umanitaria nel Mediterraneo non si ferma e la nostra missione di proteggere le vite dei più vulnerabili in mare e a terra continua. Lavorare nelle scuole sui diritti umani e sull'empatia e denunciare tutte le ingiustizie è anche la nostra missione. Dalla vostra mano possiamo prevenire altre morti. Abbiamo bisogno l'uno dell'altro. Hanno bisogno di te.

45.659 € Totale raccolto

877 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/06/2021

Syria Emergency - Spain for UNHCR

After 12 years of crisis, humanitarian needs in Syria have reached unprecedented levels. Millions of Syrians have been forcibly displaced to neighboring countries, and the more than 6 million internally displaced are struggling to overcome immense challenges exacerbated by the earthquake of 2023. UNHCR continues to support them with, among other things, stoves and fuel for generating heat, thermal insulation for tents and winter clothing.  Photo © UNHCR/Claire Thomas

37.146 € Totale raccolto

511 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/06/2021


Spanish not - for - profit charity: net coordinating groups and volunteers.Humanitarian aid to refugees coming from armed conflicts (Syria, Irak, Afganistan, Nigeria etc).We collect humanitarian aid and send it to Greece. We help refugees, living on the streets, camps and abandoned buildings. First urgent aid,,warehouse Athens, food for 3000 refugees , basic personal toiletries, legal advice, med,etc.). Awareness activities..We provide food for hot meals on the street

691 € Totale raccolto

32 Teamer

Teamer da:  31/08/2021

Bigotitos Felinos

The animal welfare association "Bigotitos felinos" takes care of cat colonies in Marratxí and works to reduce the overpopulation of stray cats through the TNR method. "Bigotitos felinos" does not receive any financial support from the government. All costs (veterinary, medicines, cat food, ...) are covered by the savings of the members and the donations of solidary people. "Bigotitos felinos" needs your help to continue its work.

3.396 € Totale raccolto

38 Teamer

Teamer da:  04/09/2023

Irene Chamarro

Hola Familia!! Como muchos sabéis llevo años dedicándome particularmente a ayudar a los más olvidados, "Los gatos de la calle". Por eso he decidido crear este grupo, para poder seguir ayudando en esta gran labor. Lo recaudado irá destinado tanto a la alimentación, como para gastos veterinarios.