Teamer since: 16/03/2019
Somos una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que quiere tener controladas y en buenas condiciones las colonias de gatos de Masquefa.
Teamer since: 21/11/2021
We help more than thousands of social causes to make their projects possible every day. Since we launched Teaming, we have raised more than 50 Million of Euros for them, totally free of commissions. We have created this Teaming Group to help Teaming Foundation to keep helping others with this platform. Among other supports, thanks to the Teamers of this Group, Teaming is totally free. Our dream: to be self-sustaining because of this Group. Would you like to join us?
Teamer since: 21/06/2022
Somos una fundación privada, independiente y sin ánimo de lucro activa desde 2004. Empezamos con la actividad principal de apadrinar, adoptar y rescatar animales salvajes y de compañía. A raíz de la experiencia adquirida como profesionales del sector, en 2012, decidimos iniciar un proceso de transformación interno. Pusimos nuestro conocimiento y recursos para incidir en las causas de forma más estratégica trabajando desde la acción en el ámbito social, legislativo y educativo.
Teamer since: 24/11/2022
We rescue abandoned and mistreated animals all around Spain. With your support, all of us together can make this possible! Just 1 euro a month can help us a lot to make these animals' dreams come true!
Teamer since: 20/12/2022
Rainfer houses more than 100 primates that have suffered mistreatment, abandonment, loneliness and lack of basic care for many years. They cannot be returned to their home areas, their lives have been stolen, so we must bear the cost of their lifelong care. 3 tons of fruit and vegetables are consumed per month, which together with other necessary foods such as feed, legumes or rice, represent an average cost of €3,500 each month. They depend on us! Can you help us feed them?
Teamer since: 08/11/2023
In MONA Foundation, abused chimpanzees and macaques are recovering from their previous lives as circus artists, television actors, and even pets.MONA gives them a second chance at a life free of pain and abuse. We strive to give them the type of life they should have had in the wild, giving them back their dignity they so much deserve. Would you like to contribute to their welfare? With just 1 euro a month you can give them a healthy and balanced diet! /
Teamer since: 26/11/2023
Gaia Sanctuary Foundation is a vegan rescue and recovery center for animals considered as farm, where those who have been exploited, mistreated or abandoned, receive the necessary care to have a decent life for the rest of their lives. Located in Camprodon (Girona) in the Pyrenees, surrounded by forests, rivers and mountains. You could meet the inhabitants of the Sanctuary here:
Teamer since: 26/11/2023
Destinamos nuestra recaudación para la ayuda de peludos mayores de 7 años. Un Teaming es un grupo de personas solidarias unidas por una causa común. Nosotr@s trabajamos por los peludos viejitos en situación de desamparo. Gracias por hacer su vida un poco mejor.
Teamer since: 26/11/2023
El grupo principal se transforma en el pago del hogar de los animales tras una campaña maravillosa, logramos ponernos a salvo y comprar un terreno mediante un inversor que nos concedió un prestamo sin intereses. Y ahora tenemos que luchar por poder pagar mensualmente la tranquilidad y el gran hogar que hemos conseguido. Y así mientras este grupo intenta darnos un empujoncito para seguir construyendo, que aún nos falta muchísimo para conseguir todo lo que queremos en este santuario ❤️.
Teamer since: 26/11/2023
Somos una familia de 19 gatos y una humana vegana, que ayudamos a otros muchos acogidos que esperan comenzar su nueva vida, y otros muchos en Las Colonias de La ⛽️ y Las Todo lo recaudado irá destinado íntegramente a seguir con el proyecto de crear un Santuario para ellos. Puedes conocernos más por nuestras Redes sociales Gracias de parte de todos los miembros de La Gatopía
Teamer since: 21/03/2024
Rescatamos michis con problemas de salud o heridas, cuales necesitan atención veterinaria urgente. Son casos puntuales, pero no por eso, menos costosos.