Mari Angeles Guillén Calle

Madrid, Spagna

Teamer in 10 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 10 € a 10 Gruppi

Da 27-02-2013 ha contribuito 1.354 €

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


47.507 € Totale raccolto

397 Teamer

Teamer da:  27/02/2013

A.S.P.A Mas que perros


107.978 € Totale raccolto

1.090 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/03/2013

Animal Shelter SVPAP

We help and keep safe around 150 animals (dogs and cats), whom were victims of abandonment and/or abuse. We provide them with shelter, food, veterinary care and lots, lots of love; we are their temporary family and home. We are a non-profit entity and, to be able to keep running all this, we need all the help we could get, ¡every grain of sand counts!

85.145 € Totale raccolto

743 Teamer

Teamer da:  23/03/2013

SOS Galgos Asociación

SPANISH SOS Galgos es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, cuyo objetivo es rescatar a galgos españoles desamparados brindándoles la posibilidad de iniciar una nueva vida, formando parte de una familia que los quiera y los proteja como animal de compañía. Desarrollamos programas educativos y trabajamos a nivel legislativo. ENGLISH SOS Galgos is a non-profit charity, whose aim is to rescue Spanish galgos.

14.258 € Totale raccolto

151 Teamer

Teamer da:  24/03/2013


Los Mejores Amigos is a non-profit shelter located in the Province of Albacete in Spain; a province where there is a lot of animal cruelty, mistreatment and mass abandonment. Los Mejores Amigos collects endangered and / or abandoned animals and gives them a new life at the shelter, while looking for a home for them. The shelter's capacity is up to 50 dogs. If you want to know the refuge, come visit our website Thank you in advance for your support.

10.020 € Totale raccolto

83 Teamer

Teamer da:  24/03/2013

Refugio Canino San Antón Morón

San Antón Morón shelter was established in 2001 with the purpose of helping abandoned and abused dogs in the Moron area. Since our establishment we have expanded our services, increased our human resources, and modernized our methods and animal care skillset. In 2012 we joined teaming, and since then have been helped by many people passionate about our primary purpose: saving animal lives. Please follow us on Facebook and on Instagram. We'd love your help!

68.418 € Totale raccolto

511 Teamer

Teamer da:  01/04/2013


Asoc. Protectora de Gatos. Dedicamos nuestro esfuerzo a mejorar la vida de los felinos, rescatando, recuperando y encontrándoles un hogar, dándoles la oportunidad de una vida digna. Funcionamos con un pequeño refugio y con casas de acogida, con una media total de unos 60-70 gatos a nuestro cargo. No tenemos ayudas de ningún tipo provenientes de entes públicos, tenemos unos gastos mensuales de unos 5000€, por eso nos vemos en la necesidad de buscar socios, madrinas, padrinos...

17.465 € Totale raccolto

178 Teamer

Teamer da:  18/04/2013


We are Hocicos&Huellas, a non-profit making Protective Association registered in the Register of Associations. We are a small group of volunteers focused on the rescue of dogs and the recovery and rehabilitation of both the physical and psychological condition. Our only objective is to find a home for them in which they can enjoy the rest of their lives. Account number for donations: Ibercaja 2085 8015 60 0330278318

22.669 € Totale raccolto

320 Teamer

Teamer da:  28/10/2013

Asociación Agar

AGAR is a non-profit association dedicated to protecting and caring for the 300 cats in Retiro Park - Madrid. Each one of us collaborates in what we can: fostering cats, participating in tours to feed them, running the website, organizing adoptions, making handicrafts for sale at the market... Love for animals is what unites us. Web:

7.688 € Totale raccolto

67 Teamer

Teamer da:  20/08/2014


Fomentar la tenencia responsable de animales de compañía y la adopción responsable. Creemos que la ADOPCIÓN no debe ser un mero trámite ni la única opción que asumamos como entidad, por ello, con nuestro lema #adoptaYcuida, nos comprometemos a cuidar a los animales más allá de su posible adopción.

4.073 € Totale raccolto

80 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/01/2015


At AFAP Polvoranca we take care of +200 cats that live in the park. In its 150 hectares, unwanted, old or sick pets are abandoned. Our challenge is to feed them, sterilize them so that they have a better life and give them all the love we can. With every Teaming euro we buy 1 kilo of feed. Remember: 1 euro = 1 kilo of feed = 1 cat fed for 1 week. Your euro works! | Join us! |BIZUM: 629 052 221 | DONATE: ES85 3067 0156 6334 7041 6128 | SHARE: