Lurdes Soares


Teamer in 2 Gruppen

Spendet jeden Monat: 2 € für 2 Gruppen

Seit 26-01-2024 gespendet: 10 €

Mitglied in folgenden Gruppen


246 € Gespendet

39 Teamer

Teamer seit:  27/01/2024

Onde há Gato não há Rato

A Associação Onde há gato não há rato plays an essential role in protecting street animals in Almada. Our mission is to reduce the overpopulation of "street cats." However, we increasingly find many abandoned, injured and sick animals, many in need of expensive treatment. The work is hard and challenging, but it is also extremely rewarding because it is fundamental to improving the lives of street animals in Almada. We need your support to continue our mission. Thank you!

16 € Gespendet

8 Teamer

Teamer seit:  08/07/2024

Tribo dos Patudos_Colónia de gatos

I take care of street cats, and as such I provide food (dry and wet food), every day, so that they do not go hungry. All animals are sterilised To the Shelter of the CED Program. Most of them have problems in the mouth, gingivitis, stomatitis and a lot of tartar, may be of viral origin, since almost all in babies had Herpesvirus. I have no way to take care of them, no help, no donations. I have Godmothers for some of them, but your help would be very good.