Luisa Vazquez

Barcelona, Espanha

Teamer de 3 Grupos

Contribui mensalmente: 3 € para 3 Grupos/projetos sociais

Desde 02-12-2017 contribuiu 230 €

Grupos de que participa


22 705 € Arrecadados

273 Teamers

Teamer desde:  02/12/2017

Fundación Querer

Fundación para la Investigación Científica y Educación Especial de niños con enfermedades raras, transtorno general del lenguaje y con capacidad de aprendizaje.

75 862 € Arrecadados

1 362 Teamers

Teamer desde:  19/06/2018

SJD Pediatric Cancer Center

The SJD Pediatric Center is the first monographic centre for paediatric oncology in Spain (2nd in Europe). 70% of the centre is devoted to care and 30% to research. It has the capacity to care for 400 children and youngsters. Its spaces are designed with the emotional well-being of the children and their families in mind. Our aim is that the children have more options to overcome cancer with less after-effects. Will you join us?

251 722 € Arrecadados

3 602 Teamers

Teamer desde:  24/10/2018

Open Arms

Open Arms opens its arms to women, men, boys, girls and all those fleeing horror, looking for a chance. The humanitarian emergency in the Mediterranean does not stop and our mission is to protect the lives of the most vulnerable at sea, and on land continues. Working in schools on human rights and empathy and denouncing all injustices is our mission as well. From your hand we can prevent more deaths. We need each other. You are needed.