Teamer da: 11/06/2012
Hace tiempo que quiero colaborar con alguna protectora de animales para apadrinar a perros y gatos que todavía no tienen un hogar, como Adrián, el mestizo que véis en la foto y que vive desde hace 2 años en un centro. Me gustaría que la protectora con la que colaboraremos la eligiéramos entre todos. Podemos apadrinar a uno o dos perritos (cuantos más seamos más perritos podremos apadrinar), comprar materiales o alimentos que necesiten o bien hacer una donación.
Teamer da: 10/01/2017
Asoc. Protectora de Gatos. Dedicamos nuestro esfuerzo a mejorar la vida de los felinos, rescatando, recuperando y encontrándoles un hogar, dándoles la oportunidad de una vida digna. Funcionamos con un pequeño refugio y con casas de acogida, con una media total de unos 60-70 gatos a nuestro cargo. No tenemos ayudas de ningún tipo provenientes de entes públicos, tenemos unos gastos mensuales de unos 5000€, por eso nos vemos en la necesidad de buscar socios, madrinas, padrinos...
Teamer da: 19/05/2017
Siamo l'Associazione di Protezione che salva e si prende cura di gatti, cani e altri animali abbandonati a Sant Cugat del Vallés, Mira-sol, La Floresta, Valldoreix e Les Planes. Il Cau Amic è il tuo rifugio. Li amiamo, li accompagniamo, ci prendiamo cura di loro e li rieducamo affinché possano avere una seconda possibilità in una buona famiglia. Con 1 euro offri il cibo per un'intera giornata ad un animale del rifugio.
Teamer da: 28/07/2017
Working since 2006 to improve the lives of those most in need. We are a very small association, only 2 people with 8 dogs and more than 30 cats in our care, most with special needs due to their age or chronic illnesses. We invest more than €1,500 per month in their maintenance, without subsidies or aid of any kind. Thanks to your €1, we can continue to fill their bellies every day and provide them with the veterinary care they need.
Teamer da: 04/08/2017
♥ Love and animal help. Association of volunteers who, since 2009, have promoted the adoption of abandoned animals, we support protectors and associations to meet their needs for food, veterinary expenses ... and raise awareness about animal welfare and defense ♥
Teamer da: 16/11/2017
Aiutiamo più di 8,000 cause sociali a rendere possibili i loro progetti. Da quando è stato lanciato Teaming, abbiamo raccolto per loro più di 50 milioni di euro, a commissioni zero. Abbiamo creato questo Gruppo in modo da supportare la Fondazione Teaming per aiutare gli altri, attraverso questa piattaforma. È grazie ai Teamers di questo Gruppo che Teaming è totalmente gratuito. Il nostro sogno è quello di renderci autosufficienti, proprio grazie a questo Gruppo.Ti piacerebbe unirti a noi?
Teamer da: 31/05/2018
Santuario Vegan was born in 2011 with the purpose that we work for every day of the year: saving and protecting farmed animals. Thanks to your support, more than 300 residents: horses, donkeys, cows, bulls, sheep, goats, pigs and poultry were saved from a certain death. Here, they receive love, care and health treatment in a natural space away from exploitation.
Teamer da: 31/05/2018
Sono Pol, sono nato il 25 maggio 2012. Ho una grave lesione cerebrale, causata dalla mancanza di ossigeno durante la mia nascita. Soffro di gravi crisi di epilessia, problemi di mobilità, dolori muscolari e insonnia e grazie a tutti i contributi ho fatto tutti i tipi di trattamenti in Spagna e negli Stati Uniti. Al momento stiamo raccogliendo fondi per nuove terapie e futuri interventi medici che miglioreranno la mia mobilità. Aiutami a realizzare i sogni. Conto su di te!
Teamer da: 17/08/2018
A group of neighbors from a small town called Manuel (Valencia,Spain), wants to help street cats. We've created a garden with houses where they can live happily. We need to continue planting vegetation for protect themselves from the heat, build more houses that protect from the cold, and also roofs that provide shade in summer. But above all we need to continue feeding, rescuing, sterilizing, and vaccinating. Can you help us with our dream?
Teamer da: 10/10/2018
Món La Bassa is an Animal Sanctuary founded in 2007; moment when its founder began rescuing animals, seeking to guarantee them a dignified life, free of pain and suffering. All of them are rescued from risk or abuse situations and can enjoy a second chance at life, full of love and dignity. Animals are never sold, traded or used for consumption or exploitation in any way.
Teamer da: 22/11/2018
Para un niño con una enfermedad grave la necesidad de estar ilusionado es vital. Todos lo hemos estado alguna vez y conocemos su fuerza transformadora. Desde 1999, provocamos ilusión en niños de 3 a 18 años con enfermedades graves. La implicación y el esfuerzo del niño y su familia en la construcción de la ilusión aportan experiencias únicas que generan una actitud positiva. Hoy 7 de cada 10 beneficiarios son derivados por el personal sanitario que les atiende.
Teamer da: 13/02/2019
CES Colonias Felinas de Xàtiva and Una Huella en el Corazón are fighting for the feline colonies of Xàtiva to be treated with dignity by the council. We need your support, both to continue with the work we have been doing for years, and to cover the veterinary and food costs that continue to be incurred, despite having broken the collaboration agreement with the council (maintenance foster homes). With this fight, we hope to make great changes and new projects to help street cats.
Teamer da: 11/04/2019
In MONA Foundation, abused chimpanzees and macaques are recovering from their previous lives as circus artists, television actors, and even pets.MONA gives them a second chance at a life free of pain and abuse. We strive to give them the type of life they should have had in the wild, giving them back their dignity they so much deserve. Would you like to contribute to their welfare? With just 1 euro a month you can give them a healthy and balanced diet! /
Teamer da: 27/06/2019
The vast majority of mausitos have special needs, either due to their age or chronic illnesses. A total of 40 souls to whom we try to offer the best possible quality of life. Thanks to your €1 monthly we can cover the extra expense of their medications, specific food and veterinary check-ups. Add up and give them a paw! More info about what we do on: Instagram @lacasademau
Teamer da: 27/06/2019
"La casa de Mau" is the home-sanctuary of Gaticos y Perretes Murcia (G30889893). In 2013, we had a large number of foster cats and dogs that had become invisible to adopters, while a multitude of emergencies continued to arrive; For them, we say move and transform this old house into a humble sanctuary where they could be happy forever. Grandparents, sick, injured, afraid... Here, we offer them all the care and affection of a home for the rest of their lives.
Teamer da: 15/11/2019
Somos un grupo reducido de personas que tratamos de ayudar a los animales mas desfavorecidos,les ayudamos a encontrar buenos hogares mientras esperan su oportunidad en casas de acogida. Cada animal debe pasar por veterinario,ser tratados,vacunados,etc... Algunos han de ir a residencias mientras su oportunidad llega. Alimentamos y esterilizamos a los gatos de las calles asi como a los animales acogidos. Os agradecemos una pequeña aportacion que mes a mes se convierte en una enorme ayuda.
Teamer da: 09/03/2020
Hola! Somos un grupo de voluntarias de Carcaixent que queremos en principio ayudar a los gatos olvidados de este pueblo y todo animal necesitado (ojalá fuese todo bien y lleguemos a más sitios). Para ello necesitamos donativos para esterilizar gat@s, tratar a los enfermos, y comprar pienso y pipetas. Necesitamos mucha ayuda, somos pocas sin recursos y con las casas llenas de peludos (algunos de ellos enfermos). Gracias por vuestra colaboración!
Teamer da: 02/04/2020
Our fight is daily for animal welfare, if you follow us through the Social Networks and you will see it every day, we help unconditionally and altruistically to change the lives of some abandoned and rescued animals and especially mistreated in Jaén. The most important thing is to see the result, and those little eyes that speak to you and say: Got! and to get that word, without you, it is not possible. So once again THANK YOU !!! For leaving your mark.
Teamer da: 20/07/2020
The El Hogar Foundation was the first sanctuary in Spain and many of the animals that arrived as babies are now grandparents. This means that individual palliative care for animals with different abilities is one of our hallmarks. If you also believe that grandparents of all species have the right to age with dignity, and need more care and pampering, this is your Home. With just one euro you can help us take care of them. Thank you very much.
Teamer da: 12/04/2024
Educational, cultural and animal protection association located in Castellón, which helps homeless dogs and cats; encourages their adoption; awareness and educates to prevent abandonment. With your help, we will be able to continue providing veterinary care, carrying out urgent operations and covering the basic expenses of the animals that we rescue and that are under our care while we look for a definitive family for them. Together we will get it! You join?
Teamer da: 28/10/2024
Lara sufrió un ictus con daño cerebral hace dos años y entre otras secuelas, aparecieron crisis de epilepsia que están dañando su hemisferio sano. Próximamente le realizarán una hemisferectomia y para ello necesita una rehabilitación intensiva al menos durante los primeros 6 meses. Las ayudas económicas no son suficientes para cubrirlas todas, por ello creamos este grupo: para ayudar a Lara en su recuperación y demostrar que con un hemisferio se puede vivir.