Alicante, Spain
Teamer in 11 Groups
Contributes every month: €11 to 11 Groups
Since 19-06-2014 has contributed €552
Teamer since: 22/10/2019
Gestión y control de la colonia de Gatos Porteños, y algunas colonias de Alicante CER. Captura, esterilización y retorno de los gatos en colinas felinas y gatos porteños Limpieza y visitas continuadas para alimentación, desparasitación y supervisión del estado de los gatos.
Teamer since: 22/10/2019
CES Cabo Huertas we are a group of individuals who fight for the welfare of street cats in the area that we live in Alicante. We take care of feeding them, take care of them, take them to the veterinarian when it is needed and sterilize them to give them a better quality of life, within the dangers that run on the street. For this reason we also try to get them out of there and get them good homes, both for adoption and welcome. Most of us finance it from our pockets.
Teamer since: 19/05/2020
More than 70 cats that have been rescued from the streets live in the Feline Forest, with many spaces to run and play, trees to climb, as well as in home beds and shelters. We have buildt and fenced facilities especially for them, but this project does not receive any funds from the goverment, only particular donations, and that is why we need your help to continue to care for them. We need volunteers also to visit us!
Teamer since: 14/09/2020
We are a team of FOSTER MOTHERS for nursing puppies that need bottle feeding, and FOSTER HOMES for puppies that can eat on their own. We receive abandoned puppies from all over SPAIN, and we also take care of pregnant dogs until they give birth, and then we find them a family. we rescued and cared over 1,700 since our inception. OUR HEADQUARTERS ALREADY SAVES LIVES: HELP US PAY THE RENT FOR JUST 1€ PER MONTH.
Teamer since: 23/06/2021
Llevamos varios años alimentando y esterilizando los gatos que viven por las calles del barrio, hasta ahora sin pedir ayuda de ningún tipo. Quedan gatos por esterilizar, llegan nuevos peludos, y ha llegado un punto en que necesitamos una ayudita para seguir haciendo la labor que hacemos cada día.
Teamer since: 15/11/2021
Somos una organización sin ánimo de lucro compuesta por un grupo de personas que velamos por el bienestar animal. Luchamos día a día contra el maltrato animal en España, “rescatamos” perros maltratados, los rehabilitamos y buscamos para ellos una familia donde conozcan la verdadera felicidad para siempre. Nuestra finalidad es su felicidad, su salud; en definitiva, su bienestar en todos los sentidos.
Teamer since: 17/07/2022
Non-profit association for the care and well-being of the feline colonies in Agost
Teamer since: 11/10/2022
We are a group of volunteers who have been "reacting" to poverty and supporting the homeless in the city of Alicante since 2013. The purpose of this group is to make the Association known and, with your help, to be able to support more families who have no resources.
Teamer since: 17/07/2023
Felinos lo Morant is an Association whose main mission is the rescue of injured, sick and abandoned cats. We have a small shelter where we care for healthy cats and those positive for leukemia and immunodeficiency.
Teamer since: 27/08/2023
Mi pequeño refugio nace del sueño de crear hogar para todo tipo de animales considerados de granja, y también, perros y gatos. Desde niña amo el mundo animal y siempre he tenido una conexión especial con ellos. Con el tiempo me he dado cuenta que tengo que luchar por ellos, que quizá esa es mi misión, así que, vamos a intentarlo!! Necesitamos más m2 para poder seguir ampliando el refugio y seguir rescatando. ¿Nos ayudas? Muchísimas gracias, de corazón
Teamer since: 23/11/2024
Somos una asociación apartidista, aconfesional y antiespecista sin ánimo de lucro, cuyo fundamental objetivo es concienciar y promover el respeto y los intereses individuales de los animales no humanos, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la caza, así como hacer valer y ampliar sus derechos. Precisamos financiación para nuestras actividades.