Cádiz, Spain
Teamer in 2 Groups
Since 20-06-2016 has contributed €25
Teamer since: 20/06/2016
Alba is an inteligent funny and amusing girl. Although we well could say “was”, as a terrible tragic accident happened on fateful march 21st 2016. A relative, who was in a shock due to an epileptic attack, let Alba fall from a third floor. Alba saved her life, but a strong brain damage remains on her. Now, we have a long neurorehabilitation process left ahead to see how much she can recover and become herself again a bit. Help us!
Teamer since: 05/03/2017
La asociación protectora de animales y plantas Refugio Kimba es una organización sin ánimo de lucro situada en Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz,. Actualmente, tenemos a unos 200 animales entre perros y gatos a nuestro cargo esperando adopción. Con tu aportación de 1 € al mes, nos ayudarás hasta el mes de diciembre a financiar la obra de nuestra gatera. ¿nos echas una pata?