Hogar y escuela Dewellie para niños huérfanos en Liberia

Hogar y escuela Dewellie para niños huérfanos en Liberia

96  Teamers
9.067 € recaudados

Martha Dewellie, una profesora liberiana de 54 años, fundó este orfanato hace ya 30 años. Hoy en día 19 bebés, niños y adolescentes viven juntos como una verdadera familia. El orfanato consta de: una sala común, un dormitorio para los chicos, un dormitorio para las chicas y letrinas. No tienen acceso a la electricidad ni agua corriente y tienen dificultades para conseguir comida y ropa. Recientemente han construido una escuela muy rudimentaria, pero aún necesitan material escolar, sillas...

Destinamos la recaudación a:

Food, School Material, Toys, Furniture,..

Dewellies Home & School for Orphans Liberia

The money raised will be used to pay: FOOD: Bags of rice (13€/bag), EDUCATION: Teachers salary (68€/month), school material, HEALTH: Medicines, Diapers. We opened a bank account for donations: BE60363547752370. Patricia Proesmans. ING The delivery of goods is done free of charge thanks to Brussels Airlines crew. A big thanks from Martha, Sewemeni, Paul, Mercy, Justina, Garmai, Jonathan, Pauline, Mary, Lovetor, James, Josphine, Kalalee, Hannah, Jallah, Tutu, Sylvia, Murphy, Marthaline!

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Sara Bejarano Hernandez
Sara Bejarano Hernandez
Teaming Manager

25/07/2021 20:47 h

Dear Teamers,
WE HAVE AMAZING NEWS. After building the fence to protect the children, water was a top priority. It was time to find a way to bring drinking water to these kids, and local teachers did it!
The construction for the water pump started based on a 'I give you my word'. We found a way to agree with a local company to provide the materials and to pay them as soon as possible.
One of the teachers, Jallah Kamara built the water pump by himself and with the help of friends and the collaboration of Martha and the oldest kids.
Work started at the beginning of June. And now, at the end of July the pump is finally done! ❤
The orphanage has now water, but the most amazing thing is that even in need the orphanage still thinks about their community and the pump will also serve the neighbourhood around as best as possible.
Huge thanks to all those that made this happen. From those who donated to those who did the work.
Special thanks to the company who believed in the orphanage and has given us the materials without pre-payment - trust is something incredible and we couldn't be more proud that this company trusted us.
We are still in the process to pay the pump, the final cost is foreseen to be around 1.200€.
As you can see, your €/month is achieving alazing things. If you wish to help us even more, please make your donation to our Belgium account:
Patricia Proesmans.
Bank: ING
Account: BE60 3635 4775 2370
Amount: whatever and whenever you want.
Big thanks on behalf of Martha, the kids and the Paynnesville slum ❤

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Sara Bejarano Hernandez
Sara Bejarano Hernandez
Teaming Manager

25/03/2020 23:42 h

Dear Teamers, we really hope that you and your families are well and in good health.
In these difficult times we are living, the kids at Dewellie's home wanted to let you know that they are very concerned about coronavirus. In the video below they remind us the preventive measures to fight against the virus and to stop the transmision.
Sadly, they know very well the suffering and fear we are living nowadays in Europe. In 2014-2015 Liberia was the most affected country by the ebola epidemic.
Please be safe! Stay at home and follow the preventive recommendations. Hopefully we will defeat this virus soon if we all work together, as a team.
The kids at Dewellie's home, Martha Dewellie and the Teaming managers are sending you our best wishes <3

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Tom Bornauw
Tom Bornauw

16/11/2018 13:20 h

Feel free to share, print, post, mail,... ;-)

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Hemos recaudado hasta hoy:
9.067 €
Ya hemos donado:
8.972 €
Vamos a donar:
95 €
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Tipo de Grupo

Cooperación Internacional
Infancia y Juventud


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