Laura Solá Montori

Zaragoza, Spagna

Teaming Manager di 1 Gruppi

Teamer in 4 Gruppi

Dona ogni mese: 4 € a 4 Gruppi

Da 25-03-2019 ha contribuito 47 €

Gruppi che amministra


766 € Totale raccolto

14 Teamer

Teaming Manager dal:   25/03/2019

Anonymous for the Voiceless Zaragoza

Anonymous for the Voiceless is an animal rights organization that specializes in street activism. Through videos of standardized practices, we expose to the public what has been intentionally hidden from them regarding animal exploitation, and we offer an alternative based on a vegan lifestyle, more ethical for animals, more sustainable for the planet and healthier for people.

Gruppi ai quali partecipo


101.643 € Totale raccolto

849 Teamer

Teamer da:  21/05/2022

Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary

Somos un centro de Rescate, Recuperación y Protección de animales considerados de granja. Animales que han sido maltratados, explotados y abusados.Trabajamos cada dia en rehabilitarles por dentro y por fuera. Les proporcionamos un lugar lleno de paz, donde vivirán siendo respetados y felices el resto de sus vidas. Promovemos el veganismo, concienciamos y educamos a la sociedad en el respeto a los animales y luchamos contra el especismo.

114.919 € Totale raccolto

1.240 Teamer

Teamer da:  05/02/2023

El Hogar Animal Sanctuary Foundation

When you rescue abused animals, you must provide a safe area where no one can harm them again, a shelter that protects them from the cold, rain and sun. Build pipes so they can drink clean water and an electrical installation in case you have to take care of them at night, or keep them warm. To get THE safe HOME that these almost 300 animals need, we only have our hands and your donations. Your monthly euro can help us achieve this.

401 € Totale raccolto

15 Teamer

Teamer da:  13/11/2024

Vegan Point

√egan Point is a non-profit association dedicated to spreading veganism and helping animals in need. Currently there are 13 hens and 3 roosters permanent residents, and we receive special cases in foster care. Hens suffer a lot from laying, and they need hormonal suppressors so they don´t die from it. Each small contribution received through Teaming will be destined for the birds that live in the microsanctuary. Would you like to help us give them a better life?

1.648 € Totale raccolto

132 Teamer

Teamer da:  13/11/2024

Emergency vet funds - Garfi Animal Sanctuary

En el Santuario nos enfrentamos a muchas urgencias veterinarias, tanto de animales que nada más rescatarlos necesitan atención urgente, como de animales rescatados que a lo largo de su vida en el santuario presentan problemas de salud crónicos y muchas veces tienen que acudir de urgencia al veterinario. Una fianza por ingreso hospitalario de animales grandes como ovejas son 1000€ antes siquiera de que acepten tratar su caso. ¿Nos ayudas a crear un fondo de emergencia para ellos?