Teaming Manager dal: 01/12/2017
Unicorn is a place where we take care of our rescued donkeys, we appreciate nature and make the benefits of donkey-assisted therapy accessible to children, the elderly and people with special needs. As a teamer you are helping our donkeys and collaborating with our social projects.
Teamer da: 14/02/2018
We work together towards a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued. El Refugio del Burrito is actively involved in causes that encourage the application and improvement of existing laws regarding animal welfare and the promotion of education and awareness campaigns about responsible equine ownership and expert care.
Teamer da: 15/02/2018
Open Arms apre le braccia a donne, uomini, ragazzi, ragazze e a tutti coloro che fuggono dall'orrore, in cerca di una possibilità. L'emergenza umanitaria nel Mediterraneo non si ferma e la nostra missione di proteggere le vite dei più vulnerabili in mare e a terra continua. Lavorare nelle scuole sui diritti umani e sull'empatia e denunciare tutte le ingiustizie è anche la nostra missione. Dalla vostra mano possiamo prevenire altre morti. Abbiamo bisogno l'uno dell'altro. Hanno bisogno di te.
Teamer da: 17/02/2018
Refugio para animales considerados de granja. Un lugar donde los que han sido abandonados, explotados o maltratados, reciben los cuidados necesarios para que tengan una vida digna. Situado en las afueras de un pequeño pueblo de Tarragona, a 15 min. de Salou y a 5 min. de Reus, y a 1 hora de Barcelona aprox. Queremos que los animales que aquí llegan, la mayoría en malas condiciones, tengan una feliz recuperación. Ayudanos a cubrir sus necesidades de alimentación y cuidados veterinarios!
Teamer da: 29/03/2018
This group is created to help the many needs of Cal Lari, ADE’s "big" shelter. In it almost 50 horses and other animals live free. Gary, was rescued this summer of '22, a welsh pony condemned for malformation in its legs to starve and thirst in a cage of iron rods next to a road. After his rescue and hospital admission to the veterinary clinic, we have him recovering in Cal Lari. Keeping one horse a month is 200 € only in food.