Teamer depuis : 29/01/2015
The Galgos del Sur Association is a non-profit organization located in Córdoba. We fight against the abandonment and massive sacrifice of greyhounds and hunting dogs, to raise awareness and awareness in society about this problem and give a new life looking for good families. In this group you collaborate with the expenses we have every day: veterinarians, rent, cleaning, food, etc. Keep in mind that Galgos del Sur does not receive aid or subsidies, we only have you to go on.
Teamer depuis : 08/03/2016
L'association de protection des animaux Friends Felycan est née en 2015 après plusieurs années de travail dans le sauvetage d'animaux dans la négligence et les abus dans la région de Murcie, nous avons actuellement un petit abri que nous avons loué et abritons environ 50 chiens. Nous nourrissons et prenons soin jusqu'à leur adoption ultérieure. AIDEZ-NOUS À NOTRE ROUTE ÊTRE PLUS FACILE ... AVEC VOTRE CONTRIBUTION, NOUS POUVONS SUIVRE LA SAUVEGARDE DE VIES ... DES MILLIONS DE MERCI.
Teamer depuis : 21/04/2018
Somos un grupo de voluntarias que nos dedicamos a sacar gatos de la calle y a cuidarlos dentro de nuestras posibilidades. Todo el dinero que recaudamos es para ayudar a los gatos que recogemos de la calle para alimentar, castrar, desparasitar, vacunar, etc..... Así podemos ayudar a más gatitos sin la limitación del dinero Gracias,1 € tuyo es mucho para ellos. Granito a granito se hacen montañas.
Teamer depuis : 17/08/2019
PROTECTORA ANIMALES USKAR is a non-profit association, based in Huéscar (Granada), is responsible for finding homes for abandoned animals and fight against abuse and neglect of them. With your contribution of 1 € per month, you will contribute to improve their quality of life in the shelter until we find them a permanent home (we have many expenses especially in veterinary and feed).
Teamer depuis : 14/09/2021
Did you know that 5,000 people get sick with leukaemia each year in Spain, which is the most common childhood cancer, and that despite the progress made, we still lose one in four minors and half of adults? At the Josep Carreras Foundation we have been working for more than 30 years to make leukaemia a 100% curable disease, to find 100% compatible donors for everyone, and to make displaced patients feel at home. With your help, we are unstoppable.
Teamer depuis : 14/09/2021
Galgos del Sol is a non profit charity located in Murcia, Spain. We are dedicated to rescue abandoned and injured galgos to rehabilitate them and find them forever homes in different parts of the world. Thousands of galgos are abandoned or killed each year at the end of the hunting season. Galgos del Sol depends totally on donations for our survival, join our group and change the lives of many of them. Thank you.