La Strada Verso Casa - Organizzazione Di Volontariato

La Strada Verso Casa - Organizzazione Di Volontariato

63  Teamers
70 € angariados

We are a self-funded volunteer group in Sardinia and we work on behalf of dogs and cats looking for a family. We rescue animals from abusive or unhealthy situations, engage in their care and, finally, use our tools to find them all a forever family. Our goal is to decrease the high number of strays in our region. We open this group to seek financial help from you, for our animals ♥️

Projeto apoiado

A coffee a month for our animals ♥️

La Strada Verso Casa - Organizzazione di Volontariato

Hello! Our project consists of rescuing dogs and cats from the street or from mistreatment situations, to provide them with the necessary care and to give them a second chance: to find a family FOREVER. By doing the annual membership, every month you automatically donate 1€ from your credit card or account, the cost of a coffee. So a total of 12€ per year donated to our association, to care for our animals in need. The title of the project is ‘a coffee a month for our animals’ precisely because 1€ a month does not make a difference to an individual, but it does to our animals. Of course if one day you no longer feel like donating 1€ per month, you can unsubscribe. We have high monthly expenses with veterinary clinics, medicines, operations, food.... That is why your contribution can make a difference. We thank you in advance if you want to help us. For our animals it is really important ♥️

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Total angariado até agora:
70 €
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Data de publicação

Proteção animal


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