Teaming-Manager seit: 17/11/2021
We are a team of FOSTER MOTHERS for nursing puppies that need bottle feeding, and FOSTER HOMES for puppies that can eat on their own. We receive abandoned puppies from all over SPAIN, and we also take care of pregnant dogs until they give birth, and then we find them a family. we rescued and cared over 1,700 since our inception. OUR HEADQUARTERS ALREADY SAVES LIVES: HELP US PAY THE RENT FOR JUST 1€ PER MONTH.
Teaming-Manager seit: 25/10/2022
EMERGENCY VETERINARY FUND FOR OUR PUPPIES. The admission of some of our puppies to the ICU requires much more expenses than usual, and it is something that destabilizes us economically since our obligation is to try to save them no matter what. This fund will allow us to turn to it when we have one of these emergencies, and it can make the difference between whether our puppies live or die. JOIN US AND HELP US SAVE LIVES.
Teaming-Manager seit: 25/11/2022
We are a group of companions that feed feral cat colonies and carry out unwanted litters of puppies. We do not have state aid or subsidies, but we have a lot of will and love for those on the street. We rescue, sterilize and look for homes, according to our criteria and possibilities.
Teamer seit: 13/06/2023
Bei Teaming arbeiten wir jeden Tag daran, dass Tausende von sozialen Zwecken ihre Träume wahr werden lassen können. Seit wir Teaming ins Leben gerufen haben, konnten wir gemeinsam mehr als 50 Millionen Euro. Alles, was in dieser Gruppe gesammelt wird, geht an die Teaming-Stiftung, damit sie weiterhin anderen helfen kann. Die Teamer dieser Gruppe tragen neben anderen Unterstützern dazu bei, dass Teaming 100% kostenlos. Und unser Traum ist es, dank dieser Gruppe selbsttragend zu werden.