Teamer da: 06/08/2018
ESta asociacion nació con el proposito de Proteger y dignificar la vida del gato en nuestro ambito, Gijon. El gato callejero es el animal mas incomprendido,ninguneado, perseguido , muchas veces envenados , apaleados, disparados y ayudar a los gatos callejeros Queremos conseguir dinero para su esterilizacion y mantener las colonias controladas, para su alimentacion, gatos veterinarios, recogida de animales heridos y gastos ocasionados de algun gato abandonado que demos en adopción
Teamer da: 03/12/2019
Fundación Santuario Gaia è un centro vegano di recupero per animali considerati come fattoria, dove coloro che sono stati sfruttati, maltrattati o abbandonati, ricevono le cure necessarie per avere una vita decente per il resto della loro vita. Situato a Camprodon (Girona) nei Pirenei, circondato da foreste, fiumi e montagne. Conosci gli abitanti del Santuario qui:
Teamer da: 24/09/2020
The Caballoastur Equestrian Association is a non-profit association, whose main objective is to be a refuge for abandoned or mistreated equines in the Principality of Asturias. After being treated and recovered, an adopter is sought to give them a second chance. We also have our doors open to equines from any other province. Sometimes we put people who can no longer take care of their horse as it deserves in contact with others who want to adopt.
Teamer da: 24/09/2020
Every 18 minutes a companion animal is abandoned. Our association has no shelter, we welcome abandoned cats into our homes to give them up for adoption and provide them with a new opportunity. Join our group and help us! With only 1€ a month you collaborate in veterinary care and food.
Teamer da: 11/10/2020
I am Sabah, a private person who has been working in animal protection for some months. I am often forced to rescue animals that are victims of abuse and neglect. As a private individual I have no subsidies or partners. That’s why I have decided to create this group. The money I collect will be used to cover the needs of food, veterinary assistance, medication and transport of the rescued animals. With only 1 euro a month, we'll make it! Are you in?
Teamer da: 26/12/2020
The association Burrita Carmela is a 100% family project where we take care of 24 donkeys and donkeys. All the money raised goes towards veterinary costs, food and maintenance of the facilities. This association is supported by its own and private financial efforts, so your collaboration is very valuable to us. Burrita Carmela is located in El Barrio Gumuzio in Amorebieta-Etxano, Bizkaia.