Lanny Douma


Teamer de 14 Groupes

Chaque mois il/elle apporte 13 € à 13 Groupes

Depuis le 17-04-2020 il/elle a donné 534 €

Groupes auxquels il/elle participe


8 069 € récoltés

213 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/05/2022

Asociación y refugio para animales sin posibilidades ( ASRA )

We are an animal sanctuary in Muro de Alcoy. We have almost 100 animals with chronic illnesses, with trauma or who are handicapped. We are a family of 4 and work with 2 amazing volunteers.

2 020 € récoltés

33 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  22/05/2022

Stichting ZooCare

Martine Borst van St. ZooCare in Putten zorgt in haar opvang voor zo'n 80 dieren, vnl. honden, katten, pony's en paarden. Veelal oudere dieren, gered uit Cyprus en daaronder ook nog een aantal zwerfkatten uit de buurt waar voor ze zorgt en laat steriliseren. Zij wil zo graag haar dieren nog een mooie "oude dag" bezorgen. Maar daar komen natuurlijk veel kosten bij kijken, zoals bijv vaak hoge dierenartskosten. Laten we haar zoveel mogelijk helpen met deze Teaming groep!!

10 586 € récoltés

232 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  19/06/2022

Het dierenthuisje

Het dierenthuisje is een bijzondere opvang voor seniordieren en dieren met medische problemen. De dieren leven vrij op een groot omheind domein zonder kooien. Een paradijs voor gedupeerde dieren die elders geen kans krijgen. De bijdragen worden aangewend om de hoge medische kosten van onze doelgroep te bekostigen alsook voor hun eten en andere noden. Het dierenthuisje krijgt geen enkele steun van overheidswege en is dus volledig afhankelijk van giften.

16 159 € récoltés

428 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  02/08/2022

Patitas Por El Mundo

"Patitas por el mundo", somos dos personas comprometidas con los animales. Alimentamos a muchos perros y gatos, hacemos el método CES, estamos poniendo Tolvas artesanales por muchos sitios y gastamos cientos de kilos de pienso al mes. Necesitamos ayuda tanto para la alimentación como para los Veterinarios y residencias que pagamos todos los meses. Cuando reunamos dinero haremos una habitación tipo mini refugio para ir rescatando los gatitos de las colonias. Nos ayudas???

1 579 € récoltés

30 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  02/09/2022

Happy together for Dogs

We hope that you will help us by making monthly contributions. Helping animals in need: J.G. Linterman

16 109 € récoltés

156 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  04/09/2022

Animales Rioja

Somos la Asociación Animales Rioja. Nuestra labor principal es promover la adopción de animales abandonados en la Rioja, que se encuentran, bien en casas de acogida, en nuestro refugio, residencias etc.. o bien en la perrera municipal de Logroño, con riesgo de sacrificio. Our main task is to promote the adoption of stray animals in the Rioja. Also rescued dogs from the kennel of Logroño at risk of sacrifice. The money raised is to rescue dogs, feed costs, veterinary expenses and maintenance of

4 937 € récoltés

66 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  15/10/2022

Yes We Can! Spays for Hope!

La stérilisation est la méthode la plus humaine pour réduire la souffrance des chiens et des chats vivant dans les rues de Roumanie, de Grèce. En fait partout. Rejoignez-nous et aidez-nous à augmenter notre Groupe Teaming - un euro par mois fait toute la différence ! ENSEMBLE, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Nous vous remercions !!!

3 892 € récoltés

56 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  15/10/2022

Teamers for Animals in Distress

So many animals living in hard conditions, worldwide.. And there is so much we cannot do. But there is still a little we cán do! By this group we help dedicated, deeply motivated people who do help those animals in need, with a donation for food, medical costs, other urgent requests. Rescuers supported by charities like Dierennood, WereldAsielen, Dierencentrum Friesland, Help Honden Roemenië. It will cost us only one euro a month. But it does help. Thank you!!

9 295 € récoltés

184 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  21/12/2022

Asociación Protectora Animales TerrenitoAsos

somos una Asociación sin animo de lucro, creada por un grupo de voluntarios unidos por una misma causa, ayudar a los peludos. Luchamos todos los días por salvar vidas de seres indefensos, pero lo hacemos sin ningún tipo de ayuda. Con este grupo solo pretendemos, que todas las personas que quieran colaborar de una manera sencilla con nosotros lo puedan hacer. Cada euro cuenta, unidos podemos lograr muchas cosas. Asoc. Protectora de Animales Terrenito Asos N.I.F: G42504589.

8 565 € récoltés

290 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  14/01/2023


Association that was born to fight for animal rights in Campanario (Badajoz). We live in an area punished by animal abuse and neglect, so we find it necessary to raise awareness about this great problem and eradicate it. We survive thanks to the support of people who collaborate with us. As we do not have shelter or resources, it is difficult for us to work. Please help us! Thank you!

15 177 € récoltés

216 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  16/07/2023

PRODEAN-Proderechos Animal Campo de Gibraltar

Asociación Pro-Derechos del Animal del Prodean Campo de Gibraltar carries with great effort the shelter of La Línea. They keep fighting to keep the Peter's idea of saving all possible animals. They have no government help and are supported by donations and adoptions. Maintenance, veterinary, medicine and worker expenses are very high. The friend associations in Germany and the Netherlands help the shelter. But there is always lack of everything. Help me help them!.

4 302 € récoltés

57 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  18/09/2023

Dogma's Pack

Dogma is a real dog mom! She takes care of 19 rescued dogs from different country's all by herself. Stray and shelter dogs who didn't have a chance to happiness. She gives them a live, love and medical care what's hard to do on her one! She also needs a bigger place so she can safe more dogs in need and work with volunteers. Our goal is to raise money to accomplish her dream! Those dogs count on her, I hope we can count on you! If you like our project, please join our group.Thank you!

1 947 € récoltés

86 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  08/06/2024

Pat's Rescue Retreat

Please meet Blue Blue was rescued from an empty property . He was anxious, had liver problems contracted distemper and was very ill for a while . This is him fully recovered and happy This is what the retreat was established for - to rescue abandoned ,abused dogs and to find them new loving homes where possible . If the dog for whatever reason cant be re homed then their home is with us for the rest of their lives.

2 975 € récoltés

55 Teamers

Teamer depuis :  05/01/2025

Project Street Dogs Thailand

Project Street Dogs Thailand is a Dutch non-profit organization dedicated to helping improve the lives of stray animals on the streets of the Hua Hin Thailand. Our objective is to help reduce the population of stray dogs and cats through sterilization and to provide relief from hunger, thirst and suffering. We seek permanent homes for puppies, adult dogs and cats whenever possible.To provide all this, we need your help!