La Caponera Manresana

La Caponera Manresana

25  Teamers

L’any 2017 un grup de veïnes de La Floresta va iniciar una acció de cooperació encaminada a facilitar la continuïtat a l'institut, d'estudiants de primària de l’Escola de Cusmají. Es tractava de finançar el transport amb una Caponera, de 4 joves de 12/16 anys fins a l’institut de Palacagüina. Ara, ens demanen poder ampliar aquest nombre inicial i passar a 7/8 adolescents els propers 4 anys. Des de la comarca del Bages, volem fer possible aquesta segona Caponera . La Manresana. Comptem amb tu!

Projeto apoiado

La Caponera Manresana project

Estudiants adolescents de secundària de la comunitat de Cusmají (Nicaragua)

It is a project that opens the door to the possibility that some of the teenagers between 12 and 16 years of age in the Cusmají community can continue studying. Without this project, abandonment is almost certain, due to the distance to the Palacagüina high school. Completing secondary school allows them the training they will need to break the dynamics of economic marginality and opening up the possibility of higher studies, bringing added value to their communities in the face of their social transformation. From the Comarca del Bages, we want to support the initial project of La Floresta, while making a second caponera possible. Achieving by 2025-2028, for 4 years, that a total of 7-8 boys and girls can go to high school and not be forced to work on coffee plantations or other unqualified jobs. We count on you!

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Crianças e jovens



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